i think she said feck

That is a fantastic phrase.

Beards instantly make any dude 100% more fuckable. But, that's just me.

I caught him talking about his pregnant wife on The Today Show this morning. That little throwaway comment cause a "clean up on aisle thighs" situation way more than anything I saw in the Fifty Shades trailer.

Team chest hair all the way <3

Does she know we can all see her butt in that picture? That seems like a quite the oversight on the part of her record company.

If it is trolling Kim, it snuck past me, because the first thing I thought of when I saw her was, 'she reminds me of Foxy Brown here'.

Can they release a version of this film with running commentary from Hoda and Kathie Lee? Because that's pretty much the only way I'd agree to watch it.

seriously. It's moments like this that make you realize how spot on that impression was.

I saw her perform a couple weeks ago. She was on time, sweet, energetic and her voice was incredible. Plus she played for two full hours. I don't know why her shows are so hit and miss.

I disagree with you. I like opera, and when I go to a performance, it starts on time, and the person is in good voice. If they aren't in good voice? Well, then it's the undertstudy's time to shine. But if things start crazy late *and* the singing is bad? Boo, hiss.

After reading you posts, you no longer sound like a pushover. You are one.

man he is totally trolling you

I should've mentioned that I have plenty of her and the Fugees on my rotation on my iPod in the car. But I'm of the opinion (strongly) that the second I pay you money for a service, you do what you're paid to do.

That is exactly the kind of shit that turned me against Kanye about 9 years ago. So rude. Late, yelled at lighting technicians, live musicians on stage and wouldn't finish a goddamn song. Kept interrupting himself. He wasn't even as big as he is now and he was pulling that baloney.

Don't get me wrong, I love her albums and gladly pop them into the MP3 player in my car. But I'd be pretty incensed too if this happened to me at a concert.

Lauryn has been dealing with some mental health issues for quite a few years now, and a lot of residual stress due to relationship issues and career decline. I feel pretty bad that people were giving her shit for being late to her show. That happens all the time, even if it is obnoxious.

Why, because I actually expect people to behave like professionals in whatever they're doing?

18. Doggy style. Just, doggy style. What horrible person invented this?

"She has flawless skin, though. I'll give her that."