So again, money can’t buy taste. Even $31 million dollars worth of it. #stilltacky
So again, money can’t buy taste. Even $31 million dollars worth of it. #stilltacky
I have a strong stomach, but.... fuck this video and the slimy unicorn it rode in on.
I love John Mulaney. Seriously this special made me laugh til I nearly puked. I love his style.
You all are talking about me. :,/
I.... think I’m your husband?
Your argument is as cherry-picked as any I’ve ever seen. There are myriad differences between the U.S. and Switzerland and you choose to highlight the fact that ammunition is more tightly controlled? And it’s kinda, well, not. So.
Well then you’d still be agreeing with me. ;) I just think it would only REALLY help if a number of other societal issues are somehow addressed. I just wish I knew what that would look like. :/
You can’t keep ARMY ammunition. It is NOT illegal to keep privately purchased ammunition. Sit on that and swivel on it? Thanks for the intelligent discussion.
Yes, I agree that that is important. But people don’t have easy access to lots of things that they manage to access. Gun control laws won’t prevent people from shooting up a movie theatre if they decide they’re going to do that. They will find a way. Obviously it will lower gun crime but so much gun ownership is…
There’s definitely the inequality piece as well- poverty rates are much lower in Switzerland, the history of the country is vastly different, it’s more socialist as well. I’m not sure about the racial/political/religious diversity in Switzerland. But I think overall it’s a multifaceted problem that we’re looking at in…
Yes, they are trained from a young age to respect them and know how and when to use them. There’s a healthy sense of caution and reverence, vs. America’s gun-entitlement culture.
I’m sorry America is so fucked up. I don’t know if gun control laws can even help. It’s so much bigger than that. So much bigger. The Swiss have FAR more guns in households than Americans, yet one of the lowest homicide rates in the world. The social structure and individualistic culture of the U.S. is the actual…
Most horrifying of all the horror movies I’ve seen. NO. NOPE.
That set of groomsmen is a bunch of dudebros if I’ve ever seen them. But yeah ok. I’d be pretty excited if my girlfriends did this for me at my wedding.
This is all true. Also, no one gives a fuck about your vacation photos but you. SURPRISE!
So? That says nothing about anything.
You can be really smart and still be an idiot.
Eh. I dunno. I find him attractive. I can’t explain it, I just do.