i think she said feck

I would have said “becoming more progressive” but left out the becoming bit. Which is a cardinal sin apparently. SORRY. I’m Canadian so SORRY. Also, several states have already legalized marijuana, so that’s not entirely true.

Because the US is making gains and we are not.

Yeah. I mean... America is more progressive than Canada right now. So...

Thank you. I think we can be too quick to forget that children aren’t meant to have that much attention on something so monumental to their future, their relationships, their emotional development. Absolutely we need to support him. That might actually mean NOT publishing his coming out for the world to see when he’s

That’s not quite accurate. That’s the average length of marriages ending in divorce.

You guys, can somebody PLEASE fetch Iggy Azalea her straw??!

Not really. I was commenting on why some of us perceived it that way. I work with lots of kids who need a lot of help interpreting and portraying their emotions so that they can better communicate with others. What I saw here was that some of us see a smile like that as indicating something different than her words

I agree that that’s true, but I was expressing why some of us interpreted her body language differently. Like it or not, people can misinterpret someone’s reactions because of their facial expressions/body language. Our brains evolved to process certain things certain ways. For the record, it drives me crazy when

I don’t actually assume any of that.

The line is skin folds which are in different places on either side because of the angle she’s bent. The stuff on her shoulders is more hair.

Huh? I posted when this first went up and there were about four or five people on opposite sides of the fence on it. All I’m saying is her smile is disingenuous, not that she’s callous.

Agreed. Though I sometimes think kids could use a little of that, for their own sakes. :) It’s way too different a world than when I was that age.

Oh ok Freud.

Hahaha, projection. No.

No of course not. What I meant was, there may be some collective concern for the child’s well being. Obviously the parent consented, but I am not sure I would as a parent. Just knowing what I know about child and adolescent development. Good lord, I would have hated my most intimate thoughts and feelings to have been

Two more things:

But what is it??? What is that butt? Stop blowing my mind!

Those are not feet. Or they are likely very inefficient feet. Someone is REALLY reaching. Fangirl you need a hobby!

People keep hair clips in the shower? Whaa...

Om my gah I love you.