i think she said feck


When I was waitressing I always added a dash of salt to the grounds before brewing. Huge difference especially if the coffee isn't of the best quality.

Thinking I'd like the whole lot on a t-shirt. Do you think it'd be too much?

GOD, Bieber. Work on your scowl. This is the sane face Gwen Stefani makes in her videos.

Allergies, so... NOPE.

I think... I may have had all of those. :/

You might want a better understanding of "tiptoe".

"I am in my twenties as well"

"Isn't totally sensitive"

You're gonna "tip toe out"... *after* you announce your well above average sex frequency. Got it.

Eh. Divorce can get nasty. Maybe he didn't want to share custody of his kids, so the lesser of two evils was cheating.

I mean, she's right about France though.

But the alliteration is lovely! And your comment in its entirety is practically a Haiku!

So... famous women have trouble with their posture but famous men do not suffer this affliction?

I mean... That's kind of missing the point though. I know *why* women stand like this. The question is has anyone seen a man stand in this ridiculous pose just to look taller and more slender. No because men don't constantly have to concern themselves with this shit to the point of risking being mistaken to be

Do men ever stand like this for pictures? This... this.... peepee pose?

Sigh... perfection.

Jennifer Lopez is truly, truly one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. She makes other beautiful women look like sad little minions. But why does she always do this air-suck face? It's like she's about to sneeze. Jennifer Lopez does not, I repeat, does NOT sneeze. She just doesn't do bodily functions.

Needs ice skates.

She is PURRRFECTION as Bieber. Love.