i think she said feck

Same here. Glad I watched it then, and thanks for posting here for all to see.

You should probably book a good massage after reaching that far.

Thanks for missing the point completely, and then commenting with completely useless info. We value your opinion (HAHAHA NO WE DON'T!)

.... am next. Am definitely next. Check these triceps, Jenny.

What actually happened:

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph when did brides get so tacky?

SAME HERE. Allow me to demonstrate on your behalf as well as mine.


Wouldn't want it. The money and the travel? Definitely. The beauty? Sure. Being in a fishbowl? NO THANK YOU, TRANSACTION CANCELLED.

"...when you continually attack the hottest player in the game you're not even currently playing."

I don't understand why we all have to be athletes now. In 2014, either we are lazy fat people, or super-fit athletes. There is no middle-ground anymore.

This made me laugh so much. So much. Are all husbands like this? Or just yours and mine?

Holy Jesus I loves me a discounted meal.

Yeah? Well he can't afford THIS.

I see a little Patrick Swayze. But strangely I also see HL, as well as all the others mentioned. This tattoo, it is magical!

The idea of "farting until you don't" has me in a giggle fit.

Butters, have you any turn-offs?

oh god ew.

This post is SO, like, psychoanalytical. lol! Well done, you.