I don't know why you would. You bought it prior to reading about this, and also, you playing the game is not remotely related to what (possibly) happened to this woman.
I don't know why you would. You bought it prior to reading about this, and also, you playing the game is not remotely related to what (possibly) happened to this woman.
Yeah. I think it's possible that they both have their own perceptions of what happened. She may legitimately feel she was assaulted, and he may legitimately feel that it was consensual. Sometimes the truth isn't objective.
You and I have very different comprehension of that text.
If they (hypothetically, obviously) were making out, and it was clear they were both into it, and then she decided she didn't want to go any further but for some reason didn't explicitly say no, but also didn't say yes, is that consent? Or is it an example in which what is and isn't consent can be confusing? I think…
Yes. Because older sisters always do that and it ISN'T fair. They get first dibs at EVERYTHING and then still try and pull that shit as adults?
It's a recurring nightmare of mine too. Well, not nightmare so much as dayfear. Ha! I drive a lot for work and it helps me feel a little safer. So worth the twenty bucks.
You used it for sex things didn't you. That is a suggestive ellipsis.
Yeah. I mostly find it makes for interesting discussion with family/friends. People like to understand themselves in this way, and that's not a bad thing. It usually leads to good/funny conversation.
Right? I'm super bothered that some dick with keyboard courage doesn't think I'm a good therapist because... of an offhand blog comment? OKAY.
Get one:
Ha! I loved Kristen Steward in this. You do you, KStew.
I guess she has experience with the role.
It's not a quiz. You have to know your M-B type first. But if you have ever done a M-B quiz or "assessment" (quotation marks intentional), you can pick yourself out.
What the fuck? I don't use it professionally, so you can get off your high horse. Jesus, your keyboard must have magical ball-engorging powers. Also, they're my clients, not my patients.
Well. I'm a psychologist and it might be bullshit, but... I find it a pretty useful way of understanding people (to a certain degree). BAD PSYCHOLOGIST! Also, it's fun. Especially the Harry Potter version. :)
Taylor Swift pisses me off. She always looks so damn put together. I mean, props and everything, cuz she reallllly has found a look that works for her. Like REALLY works for her. But still. Goddammit.
Agreed. But given that it has gotten to this level I would assume that the court would have appointed a psychologist or therapist of some sort. I just can't understand how the family are not getting better counsel. I wouldn't expect the parents to know how to handle the media firestorm. I just worry that she is being…
my thoughts exactly. It's like, DUDE! You put a blender on there but no solar panel?!