Good for you! : )
Good for you! : )
I signed up for a League of Women Votes action workshop that takes place December 10.
My hesitation is that I also don’t want to support gun shops that supported Trump, ha. I am going to try to find some politically like-minded folks, if I can.
It. Was. A. Joke.
We need to challenge Ronan to solidify his parentage once and for all. It’s the only way.
Really? That’s what people are pissed about? This is truly the upside down.
Sinatra’s last wife is still alive, and she was mighty pissed when Mia alluded to it. Probably to just avoid a lawsuit. (Or just to leave her be -- of course DNA testing would negate a lawsuit.)
I know. How did I never see it??
I signed up as a volunteer for NARAL. It’s a start.
For the first time in my life, I’m considering learning to use a gun. Just in case.
I voted, just so you know.
We hope!
Fox News? Justin Beiber music?
: ( Seems my username was prescient.
You guys, I know we need to fight and all, but I literally....the more this goes on (one week two days!) I really just want to give up. I am not suicidal, but I am seriously thinking, “It’s all over. Why bother. This unreality means we are irrevocably fucked.” Have I lost my mind or...? Because I feel like the end is…
Same. You owe us that much. Plus I am contractually obligated to now second whatever “Desperate for a Shag Giles” requires.
Here are links to stories about that tragic time! (Which there totally were for the dead boyfriend story.)
At least I can thank you for reminding me of this! That gif is helping a lot right now.
That bald eagle photo makes me sad(der).