My favorite Effie Brown story:
My favorite Effie Brown story:
I don’t get why we’re supposed to be offended that this was released today? The world does not cease to turn because the calendar is back at 9/11. I’m more offended that it’s painfully bad. Like, I generally like them but this is absolutely horrid.
I think the statement about the pre-nup is all about her image, she’s a “romantic” she will sign one but she’s not making it public because of true love and all that.
If you’re respectful to her while she’s doing it, she’ll do the best she can to make it good.
You can literally give yourself a soap enema I am not putting my mouth on something poop comes out of. I know logically it is fine, but I cannot get over that fact. Ever. Butt holes just are not sexy for me.
She’s obviously talented, but with so many young singers adopting this style (don’t know what to call it, but it’s the prodominant style on radio these days) she doesn’t sound unique. Taylor’s talent is more songwriting than singing, but when she comes on the radio, there is no mistaking her for anyone else. That’s…
‘Bad Blood’ is somehow less annoying when sung by a teenager.
I hate to break it to you, but if you grew up in a house with 18 rooms, you were pretty rich.
No. These plans were carefully laid, and well in advance. As much as I have dislike some of Bloomberg’s heavy handed techniques… This wasn’t one of them. This was a pretty thought out plan and they made more than a few revisions to it. They tried to be fair.
Wow, great read on an issue I knew absolutely nothing about only 15 minutes ago. I hope there is the opportunity for follow-up as the situation unfolds.
They should just use a pitching machine. And add in special colored balls that are worth double. Hell, go two balls at a time. This is how home field should be decided.
You do realize that the southern United States is not the only example of slavery in the history of the world, right?
Assuming each pitch is an out.
Would YOU wanna be the person who questioned the racial credentials of the new president of your NAACP chapter? How bad would you look if you were wrong? I think there was plenty of talk but no one wanted to be that person who asked her if she was really black.
I take offense to this as a person who has sucked a lot of dicks (I don’t actually take offense, tbc)
LOL. You’ve got some convincing ladies on your hands.
But there’s one thing, above all else, that you should remember as she gets close to orgasm: do not change what you’re doing in terms of routine and pacing.
I seldom even had the opportunity for my first several years behind the wheel... but then moved to a city where not only being able to parallel park, but being, if I say so myself, pretty good at it proved to be a very important skill. And by “pretty good” I mean taking advantage of modest-sized spaces, on hills,…
Exactly the response I expected.