Goddamn I hope this is the hit it deserved to be. I get why they lead Emotion promo with I Really Like You, but the album as a whole is so much better than that earwormy, Call Me Maybe sequel.
Goddamn I hope this is the hit it deserved to be. I get why they lead Emotion promo with I Really Like You, but the album as a whole is so much better than that earwormy, Call Me Maybe sequel.
including my impromptu hyper-lazy sauce that emerges from Sriracha, peanut butter, and soy sauce
Who’s Drew
I’ve experienced a lot of mansplaining about what constitutes a ball.
Standing would seem illogical. Doesn’t that shut the poop hole up?
Wow, you got them all right, in the correct order, the first time! Deadspin writers always fail at that.
The Jezebel staff is very excited to join you all today, which is a great day for sports—all sports. We love sports!
Please don’t toy with me like that today.
Awww man! Soooo ... we were going to wait to announce this until next week but I’m terrible at keeping secrets — I’m coming back to Deadspin :)
Seeing some of those article titles really makes me miss Jolie. I think I’ll pick up some white vinegar when I go to the store tomorrow. Not to use. No. Just.. just to have. To hold. To remember...
The prodigal juggalette returns.
I was going to add that we could say that about her sequined headpiece as well, and then I realized it was her boobs.
“an angry song! More hip hop, more urban! Let’s go!”
Da f*ck?
those phrases //=// Meghan Trainor
Why wouldn’t they simply move the dude? He’s the one with the issue.
I just don’t understand why, if these guys really can’t sit next to women, they don’t just start their own all-male airline other than the fact that I’ve already copyrighted that idea and am halfway done designing the Stewards uniforms.
The snark here isn’t really justified, nor is the focus on the word “luxury.” The issue centers on the fact that this would be a pretty big carve-out from existing state tax policy on what is and isn’t taxed. Right now, the only medical or hygiene items that aren’t taxed are ones that have to be prescribed and…
“I usually wake up at 6:30am,”