
yeah... put them both together and you have a dynamic duo of competition for the western hegemon. China has an economy 30% larger than the U.S and growing at 300% faster than us too. could spend a measley 4% of their gdp to catch up...I just hope they don’t start polluting the discourse and it creates toxic

Sometimes I forget to check the calendar and I wonder “Where is Andrew Collins today?” The answer is usually “Having more fun than you are.”

I don’t. I underestimate the usefulness of David Tracy!

I hope he finds it. Love to see those Jeeps run

Except he’ll probably try to do it in his bathtub using baling wire and chewing gum, fuck it up, and there we have tomorrow’s post.

Think connecting a 12V battery to a 6V system might have contributed to that a little?

It is odd that it was funded through that particular program, but it was a worthwhile idea. While vans and minivans have long served well enough as handicap transportation, they have to be extensively modified. In particular, if you see a modified minivan you will notice that it has been lifted a few inches, which is

Wait, if you bought Plymouth, those are the cars you’d bring back?

It’s horrific. I just posted the same thing (I didn’t scroll enough...). They’re powered by the old Ford modular 4.6 and were insanely heavy, nothing green or advanced about these. A worthy cause but they seem to be styled by Stevie wonder using a pile of empty shoeboxes.

Need I remind anyone that VPG created this loathsome monstrosity:

You’re dead on. There is no need to force the technology. If there is market pressure the development will occur, just like every other major technological development. The Gov helps with some pioneering research then gives it to US companies to sell around the world. 

Please look into the impeachment process and the burden of proof needed. You are way off with the process.

About damn time We dont need to subsidize these companies. Elon can raise VC money and has enough of his own. If people won’t buy electric cars with out tax breaks then maybe they aren’t ready for mainstream and that’s OK. Electric car will happen we dont need to force it. Every rich person that buys a tesla uses

So wait.. *GASP* You mean he is going to make companies stand on their own financial legs and not have the U.S. Gov’t as a crutch?

Somebody teach you about civics and how government actually works.

Welcome to your opinion.. not the same as mine..

Now playing

Eh, I know it was named for a guy named “Willis,” but the brand name morphed:

Why are you living in fear of a nuclear war? While it’s a non-zero probability, it’s still pretty damn close to zero. I’d be much more concerned about an internet attack that destroys power and water systems. That strikes me as much more likely and, long term, just as damaging.

In some history books in 2150 it would read “The second cold war was started by a strange group of people that loved rusted Volkswagen Beetles and brown station wagons”

If all else fails in the next 8 years, blame Trump.