
It was like listening to an entire album by The Police. Makes you want to sulk over to the window ledge and jump off...

And without his wife...who was working.

Basically, yes, he’s so smug in his concrete city world that cars are completely unnecessary. In fact this article leads you to believe cars are an annoyance and all internal combustion should be outlawed because “NYC” doesn’t need them.
Unless of course it’s a piece of crap VW, the world cant get enough of those...


Yep, except he’s 45 years maybe Millennial wanna-be?

And why is a non-car guy writing emotional articles about a car on a car site? I understood how he felt pretty quickly, pining for a piece of shit VW or Civic over a brand new 400 hp CTS-V Sport, but, what about the car?

I guess we did learn that it has rear climate control, an auto opening gas flap (page 252 of the

$23,700? Crackpipe! Oh, wait...

True, I have seen this too, where they indiscriminately seem to just “do things”. But I always give them leeway anyway because I also know than when things go bad, they run “to” the problem while the rest of us run away...

Drifting + Mustang + Rain = Idiot

Yup, much more to this story. The guy probably rented the car and had a key made, then came back to get it for free, twice! Something doesn’t add up here...

It is true, the Police in the US are trained to maintain control of any given situation at all times. Without control they risk being killed, as has been illustrated many times in other videos.
The Police do what 99% of the rest of us won’t do, and we need to be thankful for it and give them some leeway in performing

You know exactly where it’s going...the truth.

Then don’t carry a firearm, you have a right not to. But the next mugger may not be so kind. I would suggest at least locking that door with your wife alone in the house...

Take a nighttime stroll through South Chicago, or North Milwaukee, or St. Louis, or Detroit, or Camden, or Newark, or Albuquerque, or Baltimore, and on and on. Then you see infestation and your “all people are basically good” mantra will be laying on the sidewalk with you. Those cities are disasters.

What you need to know the performance of thier duties, the Police don’t adhere to rules of nicety or general compliance. They are in control all the time and absolutely. As they should be...

We can wait a minute or two while she sorts out the situation...

Well, you know who is driving those Taxis and Limos, right?

Lady cop looks angry! But, I wonder why did she had her light bar flashing way before he arrived, like prior to him even being in sight of her...

I’m glad she nailed him tho, I hate asshats who drive like he did.

Yep, China. The country that specializes in pilfering other’s ideas and wealth.

The things bored, rich people do...


Deflection...these two murderers are animals. Maybe you’ll cite the space program next?
Now, don’t you have a Bernie rally to get to? Oh...wait...