it doesent do anything

Tara Buck better be playing large marge, YOU HEAR ME NETFLIX?!

My favorite dimension to this Tea party screed is that their new Jesus, Ted Cruz, is a Canadian Cuban.

You can put a mattress in a cell, we call it prison

*runs over the entire line of Krishnas*

…no seriously what else I cant remember

We are the ultimate sleeper cell.

*Pushes a mercy podcast over grandmas face, waits for the struggling to stop*

Ok *Peels off 3 inches of duct tape, looks at crotch again skeptically and tears the last inch off*

yeah but the other half was a woman and the GOP doesent count those.

Only if I can keep letting planes crash into eachother and occasionally bother Captain Picard or on a few ill informed occasions Captain Janeway.

new favorite gimmick account

I dont make monkeys I just train them.

Where old people can sustain themselves entirely off of roof pizzas and mineral collecting.

Well I didnt even know I wanted to throw a pizza onto that roof until now but now the urge is uncontrollable. Road Trip!

Why is Kid Rock Hulk Hogan now?

Avid Goblin Cock frontman and King of the Kill opening scene re-enactor.

It wouldnt suprise me, mine always does when I see her. its the Anti-hardon.

No, he can only summon one bone.

People didnt catch onto it until later because Fox gave it a rough hate fuck after they got some buyers remorse and wanted to make sure a second season wasnt a possibility.
