it doesent do anything

As a wise singer once said:

Tom visited the Louvre, then shit got real crazy when they found a dead body and had to call Tom Hanks to work out the clues that the murderer left behind.

Isnt that just an Orange Julius that you miraculously revive from the trash can?

Zeroes takes place after peace walker, which was after 3. 4 takes place now ish, so you could technically skip 4 and still feel relatively versed for Zeroes so long as you finish 3.

At one point youre going to fight a sniper, he is ridiculously old. If you set the system clock forward several weeks once you start the encounter he will die. from old age.

Have you played with Ground Zeroes yet? If you like the technical possibilities in 3 you will *LOVE* it, they may as well have called it the fucking the guards AI sandbox : ultra. Just.. just dont think about the moral implications of the second body bomb location.

I remember when I beat 4. It was almost 2 am, I knew I was close to the end I plowed through and yaaay credits! Surely Ill watch theseā€¦ *several hours pass, end cinematic still going NOT EVEN KIDDING*

Not anymore, thanks Cocaine!

Oh no Death missed and hit the redshirt next to him on the bridge crew, rip kirstie alley

Dear Diary,

Ohh yeah that pro puppy murder stance is gonna be hell on your 2017 run, sorry senator.

Damnit this joke was funnier when I made it 6 minutes after you, Disqus is trying to make me look like an ass today

Oddly enough "Someone poisoned the waterhole" still relevant in that scenario

When you have a child and havent had a good nights sleep in several years and the only thing missing is a cheap ass $5 chinese manufactured stuffed bear and turning around means getting your screaming hungry child home late then seriously fuck going back.

I like the title "cooker of meth", its so.. Medieval. BEHOLD, Charles! Cooker of meth, Eater of Sandwiches, he of the No Toy Story house.

I repeat, exactly what they deserve

people who watch a sequel with Billy Crystal in it get what they deserve.

This child is sadly destined to be the biggest nerdlinger in modern society.

you wont believe what happens next!

On the rule 34 forums aparently