it doesent do anything

I still cant believe they got away with naming "toys" Buzz and Woody. Or that anyone can say it with a straight face, or that there is a multi bilion dollar franchise based on a sex toy joke

I don't find it offensive in a socially destructive way, I find it offensive in a trite hallmark channel lets feel nice for the white lady culturally unaware sense. On top of that it completely fucks the flow of that scene, its mystifying why they would break up pacing at that point of the movie, you're left only with

It doesn't need to be. The director put racial themes in his movie with those scenes, the choice was deliberate, they didnt just sneak into the movie. And who is policing? People are commenting on what they saw, which is exactly what you're supposed to do with cinema . Are people calling for bans? Nope. Are they

He could have avoided an accusation of racism by not having a racist white savior theme in his movie. He may not have noticed it as such, because the blinders of our personal bias let allllllllllll sorts of stuff through, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Handwaving and saying "oh he could have just cast a white

You do understand that these characters are fake, that they are not real people and everything they do and say is a deliberate thematic choice right? I think you have serious misconceptions about what a movie script is if you have to question why people dont like certain themes presented in a movie intentionally or

When I think of what Jeunet's alien should have felt like I think of the future scenes from 12 monkeys. What we got were some old hands dropped into a generic sci-fi setting, exactly what Boomkamp should be looking to avoid.

He didnt though. If Jeunet really brought his own sensibilities to that movie it could have been a different beast. No one who sits down with that pile is going to say "Wow, did I get a shiver of Delicatessen off of that"? A Blomkamp Alien movie can be good if we get his very distinct style with some alien mythos,

Heres the thing, there is *nothing* that will be similar tonally to the first two films because the first two films were tonally discordant. They were good because the directors had their own visions of those characters but Alien and Aliens were two completely different movies thematically, visually and tonally.

Just look at this dude enjoying this stellar lineup!!

but thats not important now

Hopefully they have good lawyers or else they will be up Battle Creek without a paddle. Id be quakering in my boots. It sucks, musicians will sue you just for Kix but thats Life.

I sleep in a drawer ^^

I sleep in a racing car!

Daaaaaaaaaaaarrrylllllll.. DAAAARRRYYLLLLLLL

Yes, thank you come again.


Its Knot Bread!

Yes, you may ask two more questions.

—Every Woman you have ever dated

Its ok cappa we were scared too this is a safe place