it doesent do anything

Who is terrifying enough to play Brock Samson? Jim Rash would definitely be Dr. Venture.

It hath been decreed that the earth roatateth around the Kanye as god in the heavens hath foretold, yea and they rejoyced upon the Kanye

Del-evil-ry: The Seconding

too many cocks, la la la laaaa tooooooooooooooo many cocks

Saw it, loved it, More of a genre smashup than a straight western, but id be willing to put it on the good list.

We definitely need more, after all it cant reign all the time.

I wasnt really counting that as a negative, I could give a shit less what the source is so long as the result is good. True Grit is damn good.

Good westerns are hard to find. Hell the only westerns in recent memory I can think of that didnt suck were both remakes too, 3:10 to Yuma and True Grit.

Sure I do. Those people are putting in effort to *entertain* you. They are funny, at their core, so their entertainment is funny. Just trying to be funny, on the other hand, produces awful shit like Dumb and Dumber To. Theres a massive difference.

The only funny Pauly Shore movie is Encino Man, you know it, I know it, lets just embrace it and move on.

When was the last time someone who tried to be funny *was* funny? Effort is the comedy killer.

Something that is only good for searching porn videos.

Shhh dont divulge the wu tang secret

Hahah yeah that so corny and stupid hahah *covers screen, books room, mutters* gonna show her my batarang…

Roswulf out on a limb with the controversial "Hitler = jerk" Op Ed, way to put yourself out there man.

Actually no, posting on the AVC is the only thing more demeaning than roasting Justin Bieber.

They fix the cable, music soars.

If the internet is like the gorillas at the zoo then it deffo learned how to amuse itself, and everyone laughs, but when *I* do things I saw at the zoo / on the internet all of a sudden its police police help. Double standard.

No no its like one of those "Free food for life promotions" where free food actually means you get vouchers for one meal per week but when you go back to taco bell on Tuesday theyre like "No more enchuritos this week for you!" well you know what Taco Bell FUCK YOU, sersio… hmm oh yeah so maybe its one of those.

I am willing to forgive a prominent gay man his occasional cattiness.