
So far it seems like some seasonal updates have been temporary (stamp rally,the maze island, etc.), while others are permanent (art wing of museum, Leif visits). So I’m gonna guess diving is a permanent addition.

To be fair, New Leaf had diving, but it didn’t have Pascal handing out DIY items. Art was always a thing in New Leaf, but fake pieces weren’t also sometimes haunted.

Turnip Exchange is a good site, as long as you avoid the shady islands. Best way to do that? Filter for islands that DON’T have a ‘fee’ to visit, look at the ratings other users give, look for an island that only allows 2 visitors at a time (so both can talk to Tommy/Timmy and sell), and if possible, find one that has

Not for nothing, but I met my wife through Coffee Meets Bagel. Sometimes switching up the app you use might be worth trying?

Hot dang, we get a corgi to join our quest?

That’s not the point to my post.

Cute always floats my boat!

It’s cute that you think Nintendo forces publishers to set certain prices on games.

for $30 i was hoping to see more

Give me Mara in Summer!

I went from willing to wait on one to really wanting one right away for some of those games. However, I’m really worried about the price - to say nothing almost feels like an acknowledgement of “we KNOW it’s pricey, so let’s soften them up with all these announcements before hitting them over the head with a $599+

it was off Amazon last summer, and holy crap, it must have been a sale, because it’s definitely not $2 now:

If the Switch were anything other than Nintendo, they’d be completely panned.

So I had drift on mine and I paid $2 for a stick kit (came with all the tools), looked up a YouTube video on how to change them (there are many), and it took all of 20 minutes to do.

to be fair:

You’re right - you won’t stop them. Nothing will. Nothing will stop the hot-take nerd zeitgeist either. Nook is Satan, why? Because we said so is why. Want proof? Look at all the people saying he is!

You’re not trapped - if you don’t play the game, no servitude, so...

It’s more fun the less you care about competitive FPSes.

I’ve been playing Tangle Tower through Apple Arcade, and it’s really great so far! An inspired adventure game with some elements of Layton and Phoenix Wright in there. Plus the art style is just so much fun to look at! Hope there’s love for it on Switch!

Because it’s up to Square, not Nintendo, which versions of games come to which platforms. And lately, it’s been iOS/Android ports of everything pushed to everything else.