
I kinda like it so far, because it means I’m picking characters I otherwise wouldn’t while waiting for characters I do know, and trying characters out as soon as they unlock because they’re ‘new.

I played this obsessively on PS1, and was really hoping they’d do it up like the Crash remaster. So, so excited.

RDR2 is good and just not all that fun to play.

That’s because to Gamers every AAA game is the Best Game Ever, to be replaced by the next Best Game Ever the following week/month.So much like how a news story can quickly cycle out and be forgotten or committed to as ‘truth’ ever before a correction hits, so too do games get immediately forgotten and thought of as

Seeing that they designed a game with 74 fucking characters from day one, I don’t think this was them ‘holding back’

AKA “Valve is Pretty Dang Scared of Epic Right Now”

Pretty much what I was thinking!

...and do a much better job at it?

Everything said to UL is spot-on.

I think because MS blundered their launch of XBox One and never really recovered. Also, for me, the minute Street Fighter 5 wasn’t coming to XBox, I knew I was skipping it. So some missed exclusives probably hurt too.

It had its problems, but FFXV was surprising to me. I wasn’t expecting to like it, and that I had I want to attribute to Nomura being wrestled away from its development. It was much better than XIII, but everything is better than XIII.

“When FFXV is a shitty game, it’s because it’s a shitty game.”

You had me at ‘the Switch version has Nintendo songs’

Normally no, but I think this was Namco trying to create versions that played to each platform’s strengths for once, instead of just porting the same game to both.

Cool! I think if they design the controls with the platform in mind, it’ll be a fun game to play

but it’s not like them not being an assist or spirit means they’ll show up as a DLC character either. Or that being one bans them from changing their minds and making the character playable later on.

You have a point...they aren’t someone I need to be mad at for something unrelated to them. I still think its hyperbolic language though, and I’m just tired of that stuff in general.

What I don’t get is, would it have been better if those characters didn’t show up at all? Not as an assist, not as a spirit, not visible in the game in any way whatsoever? Would that have been the more ideal scenario to these fans? Either give me the character I want, in the way I want it, or nothing at all?

Then maybe I’m just getting tired of hyperbole being used this way. Maybe they don’t see it as a travesty, but using catastrophic language like that just isn’t funny, relate-able, etc. to me.

It’s not either - it’s just that I’m upset about it more than usual, lately, and seeing someone equate this to travesty bothers me. I’m getting tired of hyperbole and think context matters. Something can be disappointing and not be a travesty.