I think this suffers most from people dreaming up the most perfect version of what this mode was in their own minds, and getting mad that Spirits isn’t that.
I think this suffers most from people dreaming up the most perfect version of what this mode was in their own minds, and getting mad that Spirits isn’t that.
Only Smash fans would react this way
The only way to rationally explain this is Every Everything is the End of Nintendo, Because Nintendo (tm).
I dunno - they make Dillon, Sushi Striker, ARMS, Splatoon (it’s a few years old but still ‘new’ enough imo), Xenoblade (ditto), and all Gamers do is screech that Nintendo never makes new IP. How many new series should they have to make before Gamers legitimize it?
The Wii U version has a distinct feature that can’t be copied on Switch - an always-on touchscreen menu & map. It’s really nice to have, which is why even if they put Wind Waker on Switch, I’d hold onto my Wii U copy.
it was already re-released last week
Yeah, given that the PSX was like...the JRPG console in the US for its generation, the lack of those is a bummer.
this could be really cool for artists to get together and stream work at the same time, too
I’ve had enough of the wet blanket thrown over what I was hoping would be a massively wonderful experience.
maybe a NSFW label somewhere?
Played it, and it feels good to have that muscle memory and nostalgia of playing on the Dreamcast come flooding back.
If I had to guess, this is to prevent smaller shops from breaking street date.
Yeah, the flexibility is a huge plus!
I remember seeing a demo of this on a let’s play channel (Game Grumps or Markiplier, I forget) and never forgot the striking look and premise. Glad it’s out, can’t wait to try it.
I’ve been working from home a lot this year and they only care about deliverables being on-time (thank goodness, means I get to grocery shop when everyone’s at work), but the downside is the clients feel I’m available around the clock. Always wondered if it’s the same for others in the same situation.
The most generous outlook I can have on this would be that a company that once made sure no one would speak openly and honestly about their jobs finally “allowed” their employees to, and only because they felt confident enough that more good stories than bad would come out as a result.
A majority of Steam games are trash too - so why not say ‘it looks like a PC game?’
I was on the fence - the sticker shock of those ships kept me holding back, but reading reviews, and being genuinely excited about a new IP from Ubisoft saw me grabbing the starter pack on Switch. I like it a lot so far! It’s far from overly involved in any one thing it does, but it it is fun, easy to get into, and…
I love how whenever someone wants to dismiss something, they say it ‘looks like a mobile game’ - as if platform can be directly linked to quality.
I haven’t played this, but my default tends to be Switch for anything multiplat, unless there’s a severe issue with bugs, performance, features, etc. unique to Switch.