
It’s weird to think that, when Spider-Man came out just a week ago, Gamers decried its exclusivity.

I don’t think so? But honestly all my playtime has been multiplayer. There is a lore to all the characters though, and the goal of the game is based around lore too. So...even if they didn’t, I could see them doing something like that.

I play it a lot online and it’s fun! As long as you like board games in the first place...

they specifically say ‘unless you’re a cheetah’ meaning they’re saying violence isn’t natural...unless you’re a cheetah. Or...violence isn’t natural...until it is.

Have you ever seen the videos of whales attacking dolphins, other whales, sea lion pups, and leaving the bodies?

Sex is natural, violence isn’t.


Dillon’s Rolling Western?

Girls didn’t have many characters to identify with before... and now in an attempt to... do something... the artists are making the female characters look like boys... and thus increasingly excluding the girls again.

this being on the Switch may make up for VC2 being so, so bad, on PSP.

My girlfriend and I thought that was what was happening, but we weren’t sure. So cool to know it is!

I’ve been a fan of his less for the paintings (which are stunning), and more for his open, honesty attitude about what he believes is needed to make good art, and what he had to do to become a better artist. So he doesn’t just make fantastic work, he has an incredible outlook that he’s willing to share.

I don’t work here though. So it’s not like I can write it for them.

It’s a thing with a headline on their site. So it’s an article. There are also things without headlines that are usually one sentence long heads-up on releases, etc. that people can comment on. I’d guess technically those are articles too, but lesser so than ones with headlines?

Really? That one I had the least time with (and like the least), but it definitely changes the tempo I’m used to in the series.

I don’t think it’s inherently bad, but it definitely changes the tempo I’m used to in Megaman games.

A whole article about this but no mention that picking up powerups no longer pauses gameplay while your bars fill?

Everything you said resonates in a way that’s a bit dismaying.

They also made Rocket: Robot on Wheels on the N64 (I think it was their very first game?) which was pretty good! :)