Switch is a no brainer on this one.
Switch is a no brainer on this one.
I think you’re right, and I may have misunderstood it!
ah okay, glad I misread it!
but if you need ships to keep playing after the ship you’re in is destroyed, does that mean this is literally pay to play? Like, the game I bought will be unplayable unless I shell out cash for ‘lives?’
Yes - I’m tired of Gamers acting like certain games/genres deserve to be in some lesser-than ghetto, just for being what it is, rather than the quality of what they’re trying to do.
I’ve seen their headlines be WAY snarkier when delivering bad news, and the point over is this: they could write a headline that better reflects the situation, than make it seem like this is a unique issue to the Switch.
Yes and no - Rocket League accounts are handled in a way where you don’t have to sign into a third party account before you play. So you can play it on PS4, then on Switch, because the PS4 account isn’t related in any way to an account that another console would possibly need to see/access.
Paladins isn’t, afaik, and Fortnite on Switch isn’t either. Playing it on PS4 ‘poisons’ your account, making it impossible to use on Switch or XBO.
The headline sounds like it’s trying to play blame on Nintendo here, but it’s the other way around.
Either way, it’ll be a welcome mechanic to lay over the tried and true ‘weapon triangle”
A new Smash means a new (fleeting) campaign for Klonoa to show up alongside PacMan.
that’s just terrible!
I’m okay with that - I’d gladly take the Switch version since it plays with everything else (and it’s portable!) :D
That’s worrisome - I logged in once on PS4 (never played a match), and this morning I couldn’t get in on Switch. But it said ‘there was a problem finding a match’ - I could log in, see my account, etc., just couldn’t get into a game.
Ah, that I get! I had BotW on Wii U and was in no rush for a Switch. Only after seeing Mario Odyssey did I flip from ‘wait and see’ to ‘okay now I’ll get one.’ Which in turn, made it so games I would get on PS4/PC I end up opting for on Switch (usually indie stuff). Like, I wouldn’t buy a Switch for Hollow Night, but…
BTW, looking forward to the article covering the reports that people who have played this game on PS4 are completely locked out of the Switch version and vise versa.
Then I’d ask if you really want to spend $360 just to play one game? Why not save the money, and not bother? There’s so much out there, you could literally play anything else on a platform you already have and save cash.
Ignis would be proud.
I dunno - in the trailer it shows you can change soldier formation before an attack. To me that seems like, not only will there be the weapon strength/weakness dynamic, but a way to shape your troops to maximize your benefit or dull your detriment.
So the gameplay is....slowly walking across hauntingly beautiful environments...