
The game “needs to be” tailored specifically to your liking? And you equate difficulty to ‘mindlessly grinding away at Pokemon levels, one character at a time, until you have the levels needed to pass the thing?’ That’s not difficult - it’s busywork.

That’s what Gamers ignore so aggressively - that people like you exist. It’s kind of infuriating in a baffling way.

I totally believe it.

Maybe you missed where I was going with that. My gripe was with the randomness and the grind in games.

It’s not so much a defense of this as it is a referendum on randomness in games in general, coupled with personal regret at how I budgeted time growing up.

that’s a bummer, but at least there are other Pokemon games out there and the next main one in 2019 to look forward to?

And to get a bevel effect to look like that isn’t as easy as flipping some switch, either. You’d have to make sure the image is layered in a way that the effect works consistently across the entire gray ornamentation. Across multiple kinds of ‘cuts’ that have different shapes, elevations, etc. I’m not arguing that

It is extra work.

it’s basically a remake of Yellow with some mechanics borrowed from Pokemon Go.

I dunno - this looks like something that’s trying to keep parity with Pokemon Go. I’m imagining the 2019 Pokemon will look more in line with the style Sun/Moon/X/Y were doing.

I’m okay with that. To be perfectly honest, I don’t have the time to dump into grinding the way the original games asked. And to be double honest, I look back on my life and think the hours of free time I did have for that were a monumental waste.

The video shows that combat is menu based, just like ‘real’ Pokemon games.

it’s almost like people react to things after only reading the headline!

not when wah wah wah they made it easier for anyone to do it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Pokemon Go still makes about $9 million dollars a day.

right there with you!

As a designer, I can tell you no one in their right mind would pay attention to a detail like that unless it was vital to show that object is meant to be three dimensional. Why would anyone take the extra effort to make it look 3D when it’s explicitly not?

What’s the purpose of a remaster if you can already boot up your PC copy, replete with mods that fix performance issues? Why pay for something you already have?

I got Frostpunk, but even the most lax management-sims are daunting for me :(

I wonder how well Subsurface is doing on Switch, and if they’d put Quarantine on it too. Or if that could be a kind of guard that better indie games could have against getting lost on Steam - showing up on consoles, etc.