
For me, if a game has motion control, I’m standing. Been that way since Wii and it hasn’t changed a bit.

Aren’t there a bunch more Switch indies coming this month? I know Golf Story was announced for this month without a set day...

Because the Wii being the best-selling console for most its generation just wasn’t enough, yeah?

Nah, when it was originally leaked to be coming before the system was announced, that’s all any Gamer wanted people to believe. They couldn’t comprehend that ‘their’ version would end up on some “kiddie casual console for idiots.”

will make it harder for people to keep saying that the Switch is just a “portable Wii U”.

That’s okay, enough of us enjoy games no matter what they look like, and even some that find different types of styles appealing, that you don’t have to. You can like...I dunno...find something hyper real with lots of browns and greys and brown-grey and not bother anyone else enjoying this.

Not so sure about that.

I agree with that.

I still think this deficit has largely to do with saving power/space. Like they were so concerned that what makes the games go on the go would eat enough battery that every other convenience was jettisoned or offloaded to other devices.

I’ve only seen 2 episodes, but it’s such a cute show so far.

Non-sarcasm reply:

The detective game L.A. Noire is coming to Switch, Rockstar said today, surprrising no one who understands that you should probably get in on one of the faster-selling consoles of modern times.

Is it really that foreign a concept though?

My guess is something about those states’ laws prohibit it from being considered donation/charitable income?

Gita, I’m laughing and crying at Question 8 because I Get It, and that doesn’t happen often. Thank you so much!

“Everyone’s thinking too deeply, reading between the lines too much,” laughed Kitase.


I don’t mind it being a mobile game. In fact, it makes all the sense in the world.

Today’s a bad day to be broke...haha

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