
Me giving a hot take really isn’t dramatic.


I agree 100%

The most depressing part is how he has to explain that his own personal belief against giving thieves something for free, BECAUSE THEY ARE THIEVES has to be ‘justified’ with “well, I don’t need my code tied to pirated code and breaking licenses”

How did she get those belts so perfect?

Welcome to the future you helped build.

And don’t forget, the ossification of your bones... :p

Fine. If millenia of civilization passed you by without leaving a trace, that’s your problem. Don’t load it on other people’s shoulders, please. Stocking something when you can easily get your hands on it for times when you can’t is hardly new behavior, you know?

Man, it’s almost as if those developers making $60 games want you stop buying them in bulk at a nickel only to reap in personal benefits through resale, stockpile them for ‘appropriate’ gift days, or something...

There is no talent, only a commitment to be talented.

(although personally I would prefer a real account system to transition all my Wii/WiiU/3DS VC stuff without having to purchase each game again)

Living the Dream :D

and re-reading it, I totally apologize for thinking you meant the system not the game.

Which games though?

if you can’t seriously back that up.

If your enthusiasm is 8 times dead since the SNES, why even ‘think about buying it when it’s cheap?’

You’re what a Gamer would refer to as a ‘casual’ aka since you don’t live the games-as-a-lifestyle life, don’t dump your entire income into this industry, and can enjoy a system off of *gasp* one or two games entirely, you don’t count. You’re not real. To the cornfield with you, filthy casual!

Played it on PS4, but YES! If you own a Switch, play it on that! It’s so good!

Kinda like how if you bought Skyrim on 360, you were owed a discount on an XBox One, right?

What prompted me to respond though was your sentiment that somehow there’s a greater value to the world that you continue doing what you do (‘free’ entertainment) as opposed to being debased (working at McDonald’s).

If you know you aren’t owed this kind of work, and are working on alternatives, I hope it all goes well!