More like, game designers shove an analog of him in there to satirize/dehumanize him. Put him on the same level of take-seriously-ness as Gary Bussey!
More like, game designers shove an analog of him in there to satirize/dehumanize him. Put him on the same level of take-seriously-ness as Gary Bussey!
Only difference is that those were inconsequential upgrades that either change the experience without changing the hardware dramatically, or were only supported by a handful of ‘exclusives’ for that change.
I play Dark Souls and still read it that way.
What do you know - they were right!
Nonono, you got it mixed up. This isn’t MS or Sony selling you a new console every other year to try and exploit tech trends happening in the phone space. This is Nintendo and according to Gamers, they’re so behind the times/out of touch/stupid and retarded that they could never implement a business strategy that’s…
This is all code for ‘we have a series of videos covering all topics in an order we decided on. So just let us do this thing.’
At least there’s Dragon Quest...?
Man, all those edges on you! You must be like... a box or cube in real life! So edgy!
I believe that’s the point
Maybe you should aiming this at Stephen then.
No, see, you don’t get it. Logic isn’t allowed here - only cynicism, doubt, and hate. Because Nintendo.
I think that’s becoming more and more of an edge case though.
All hardware is a tax to get to games though. Only difference is Gamers blindly triple tax themselves, buying PS4s, XBOs, and PCs for games largely available on all three.
Oof, yeah. In my heart this is still a possibility even with THQ folding
Such a cute little emotionless pile of plastic :D
My apologies - I never know when that comparison is made to be a jab at Zelda being inferior/whatever, or just for funs.
Splatoon fans pointed out that the kids have different hairstyles, so the guess is it’s a sequel.
It also describes exactly what you do with the device - switch from home to portable - than being clever (and so darn ‘confusing’ as Gamers would say) like the Wii.