
Mixed bag? I don't know - I think this looks better than the X1. Considering it will probably be cheaper than the X1, this is pretty much a bag of awesome.

@FotoGi: I didn't know you could do that. How well does it work? How is the quality compared to one of the Netflix console boxes? Tell me everything.

I wish that it ran iOS, just for the absurdity of connecting a bluetooth keyboard.

"Ouch! Bag of hurt!"

@GizmoTron9000VowsToEarnBackHis...: It definitely won't support .mkv.

@Derbeste: You would think so, but it sounds like twothefuturewhatever is saying that not having a touchscreen is one need that all things share. Or maybe having a touchscreen is one need that all things lack. I guess I'd go with the later, because it doesn't require believing that all things have needs. Still a

@daniel7860: Well, I didn't have a stopwatch running, but now that I think more carefully, it probably actually took me about half a second, which means I'm four times smarter than you.

@fastactingrelief: Clothing should definitely take a back seat, but with our draconian public nudity laws, I don't see that happening any time soon.

Why are they working on this, when we still don't have an Orgasmatron?

Beautiful. I need to figure out how to mimic this look.

I had an iPad and sold it. It was actually very nice and worked great. I just never used it.

Would be nice if they mentioned the data rate at which this H.264 video was being written.

It doesn't seem much faster than doing these things with your hands, especially since it still requires so much touch input. I would be more interested if it was entirely usable with the phone in your pocket, via a headset. This is how I use the iPhone voice commands, limited though they are - for instance, initiating

Wait, so this thing only works in WiMax areas?

I could have used this on some cross country tours. Though, the edge of a picnic table works too.

Let's get Errol Morris on this new Apple ad ASAP.

@my name is jonas: I agree. I'm about to sell my iPad, but I might be interested in buying a version with a smaller/higher res screen.