That is, for once, the most reasonable sounding explanation I have seen given for a takedown notice.
That is, for once, the most reasonable sounding explanation I have seen given for a takedown notice.
Whoa! Imma stop you right there. This is a cute post, don’t be THAT person.
I really hope we’re able print out the entire internet and put it in a vault so one day the aliens can fully grasp how much we deserved our demise.
The closest any of these companies have come to backing out is Facebook, which has merely not replied to its invitation yet
You “have to read” this? Someone forced you to click on this article and read it? Fuck off
How long until Spicer is fired? He’s not selling this garbage very well. Is Baghdad Bob available?
Spencer did nazi that coming....
Too soon?
The other real story is the obscene price of prescriptions in the U.S.
While I can’t really speak for Anna Banana, I’m pretty sure they were just making a joke. I believe it’s a reference to the archaic conservative belief that tampons, should they rip a woman’s hymen, deprive her of her precious, all-important virginity. I think Anna Banana was just taking a moment to call them…
Really? Is this necessary? I spend a lot of time biking and walking in the city... hybrids already have a noise, you can hear the electric motor wooshing. I think tire and wind noise becomes audible at much lower speeds than 19mph as well.
In this case, I totally agree. You’re right and I’m wrong.
Bring Your Own Blood.
Beautiful photos of the Jezebel house where we all live and menstruate in tandem
The Mars rover needs AdBlocker.
^Total BS. You had us until you said “E class.” No way someone called “Stephen” safely lives in New Jersey. And even if he did, it would be a 2001 C class from CarMax.
I think potentially illegally abandoning charter language that requires top DNC officials to remain impartial during the primary process is absolutely something worthy of being uncovered. Unless you’d like to deny the legitimacy of the released material, pointing to who uncovered it is, while interesting, unrelated to…
Actually, Yes. It is.