Anna Banana

Whoa! Imma stop you right there. This is a cute post, don’t be THAT person.

I think that just the idea of trying to better the problem is a huge step forward already. Excited to see where this takes us.

What am I missing in this comment???

I really truly appreciate your efforts. Thank you for this :)

This is how it all begins. So you can be complacent or you can take care of you. Taking action is you taking care of you.

I gave this same talk to my family and any friends that would listen this morning. We can all just shake our heads and agree it’s wrong, but now is truly a time to take action.

I live in Nevada and I am proud to say that I’ve called EVERY SINGLE DAY since Papa Don came into office. I realize that it’s been like a whole few business days but I keep asking my neighbors and fellow co-workers if they’ve even attempted to call and NO ONE HAS! I think our phone calls won’t fall on 100% deaf ears.

🙄 I just can’t even

Let me just throw up on you now

Wouldn’t be just great if it was a fake tiffanys whatever it was. Like he gives out fake diamonds!


He’s right, authorities have gone too far with their bullshit. They’re “protecting us” but what we really need is to be protected from them.

Bleak indeed


I am interested in this also, exactly how much can we expect to lose on this? How much of the money we’re spending to cover their asses could have been better spent? In my opinion we as citizens, and tax payers (unlike trump) have the right to know what it would cost to do this and make the choice of them staying in

They probably are just using this to cover up the fact that she’s not First Lady material and won’t be able to carry out the functions of a First Lady “because of Barron”. She’d host the exact same events and give the exact same speeches as Michelle Obama and then the jig is up my friends!

LOL I didn’t even realize I misspelled it, good looking out
