
In fairness (to the people dismissing Warren), the primary we had was in a state adjacent to her “home” state, and a majority of the primary state’s population lives within the same media market as Warren’s “home” state. Her getting half as many votes as Amy Klobuchar is pretty damning. Warren should’ve enjoyed

Bernie is gonna end up with the most votes and most delegates.

They are totally going to try and fuck him at a brokered convention if he doesn’t get to the majority before the convention starts, and it would probably end the Democratic party as we know it. It would certainly gift the presidency back to the current

Fuck the Nordic model. You can’t make only half a transaction whatever that transaction may be illegal, it makes literally no sense. They should just follow either the British or German models and just make it legal.

Don’t think you need to be a Bernie bro to think this was suspicious and just bad look for the DNC.

Warren’s core issue is that she’s got Bernie Sanders’ rock on one side and Biden/Buttigieg/Klobuchar/Bloomberg’s hard place on the other. She’s occupying the narrow space between the left and the center, and right now the center is frantically casting about for anyone that isn’t to the left and the left hasn’t figured

Buttigieg concerns me primarily because he’s one of the “everything is more or less fine” candidates (Biden is another). He’s smart and clean cut and soothing and he’s not going to rock any boats. You could probably stop thinking about politics every day under a Pete administration, like how it was under Obama.

Between Bernie running away with the nonwhite vote and Biden getting fucking rinsed everywhere it looks like Joe is gonna have some rough weeks ahead. Just hate to see it!

Fucking Pete. Buttigieg.

Babies have as much of a right to stand their ground as any red-blooded Floridian!

That is how you end up with Hillary Clinton. Who lost to a game show host.

The whole article wasn’t focused on twitter though. There were plenty of political pundits who piled on, who were also quoted. 

She watched her life’s ambition crater, and she has to live with the fact that she managed to lose an election to Trump for the rest of her life. Through a combination of pride and arrogance she’s still of the opinion that the reason she lost was entirely due to others, not her complete inability to offer an obviously

“After one customer at Adam Perry Lang’s steakhouse APL was apprehended for stashing a hand-forged steak knife in a baby carriage—and charged $950.01 for it—they returned the knife. And now they are regulars at APL and, Perry says, even friends. Isn’t that beautiful? Sometimes crime does pay.”

It’s hard not to look at this article as another to add to the “Bad Takes” pile when the central focus is that this pushback had a racial component, when you know for a fact that if Bernie or #MayorCheat had pulled this, it would have been just as bad...

I saw a woman respond to Tlaib’s apology thread on Twitter who called her behavior deplorable. “You realize you’d be nowhere without @HillaryClinton,”

Holy shit, I may just be done with political discourse for the day. That someone actually put their fingers to the keys to type out such inane fuckery as this. WTF. Do

Seriously, imagine telling a Palestinian woman she can’t boo Hillary fucking Clinton of all people. Just incredible stuff.

So let me get this straight, HRC is running off at the mouth from the sidelines, and that is fair game, but somebody gives her some pushback and all of a sudden they are in the wrong, nah...HRC needs to be make up her mind, does she want to settle scores or help get that petulant child out of the WH, my guess is she’d

Thank you for this. I find it amazing that libs demand people treat the second most disliked politician in the country as wonderful martyr that everyone needs to respect. Most of the country hates Clinton and that isn’t going to change because the libs get upset at it.

Try going to Nina Turner’s twitter or Briahna Joy Gray’s. They get attacked constantly and not just by Trump supporters. There are plenty of toxic former Hillary supporters and Warren supporters attacking them and Bernie non-stop. Look at Neera Tanden attacking progressive Bernie supporters all day every day on