
That only makes sense if you think only Jewish lives matter. It´s Gazans who are being slaughtered in a conflict where Israel is the agressor. Allowing an agressive, blood-thirsty apartheid state to besiege and bombard Gaza while facing only minimal consequences in terms of casualties or economic disruption is

¨Should we give more weapons to a bloodthirsty apartheid state which regularly massacres Gazan civilians?¨ is hardly a gut-wrenching moral quandry.

you sound like a pretty shitty customer

the piña is traditionally buried under embers and then hay/dry vegetation for a week or so before being crushed and fermented. I don´t know why the leaves would be smoked.

Because this shit happens when Dems are in charge, too. Minneapolis is a blue city in a blue state, as is NYC. And yet the NYPD and the MPD continue to murder and terrorize with impunity, regardless of what party the corrupt right-qing mayor belongs to.

Has Biden ever apologized for campaigning to put millions of black people in cages?

It wasn´t the members of the union who spoke out against M4A and Sanders; the members weren´t consulted or polled. Most of those same workers, by the way, have lost their health insurance thanks to Covid.

Most people knew him as Obama´s avuncular VP. He received almost no scrutiny before Super Tuesday because of Covid and bc of how crowded the field was (in the preceding weeks, most candidates had focused on Bloomberg and ignored Biden because his campaign seemed moribund.) If the press had done its fucking job instead

Because he was the only candidate other than Sanders who had significant non-white support, and the Democratic establishment decided they´d rather lose to Trump than have a nominee who wants to give poor people healthcare.

Congratulations! You’ve figured out the most basic fact of evaluating accusations; both the guilty and innocent will claim innocence.

Our rapist is better than your rapist!

7 months to the election and you shitlibs are already trying to blame Biden´s loss on the people who warned you Biden was unelectable?

Biden´s entire campaign was based on the idea that you can win by appealing to the mythical moderate Republican while giving the middle finger to the progressive wing. If you want to see Biden win, maybe you should get on a dialer and start calling those suburban conservatives who will undoubtedly lead rapey Joe to

You shitlibs are disgusting. 3 people say Reade told them of the rape when it happened and it’s confirmed she was transferred from her post after the attack, almost certainly in retaliation. Biden has a long history of sexual misconduct; smearing victims, sexual harrassment, groping and forcing female Secret Service

What's Biden's excuse for encouraging voters to head to the polls in IL, FL and AZ?

I mean, this shit is serious but even with asthma and being out of shape, your chance of surviving an infection is still pretty high.

Bernie is deeply unpopular among the Democratic establishment, but he´s well liked among Democrats (and independents), even those who voted for other candidates. His main policies (M4A, Green New Deal, student debt abolition) are also wildly popular and could´ve powered an Obama-style surge in volunteering and voter

I don’t want Trump to win; that’s why I’m screaming at the top of my lungs that Democrats need to come to their senses before they send a doddering, corrupt rapist to get crushed by Trump. No matter what you or I or Sanders do, Biden will lose the general in a landslide barring an act of God if he’s the nominee.

Biden 2020: our corrupt rapist is somewhat less evil than your corrupt rapist.

Biden is in clear cognitive decline, he is facing a credible rape accusation (and has a history or groping women and girls) and other serious scandals/weaknesses (serial lying, Ukraine, NAFTA, Social Security, etc.) I mean, this is a guy who claimed he was arrested trying to save Nelson Mandela. He has the lowest