
He’s a deficit hawk and a conservative to his core. He said he would veto Medicare 4 All even after the pandemic, and still hasn’t “evolved” on marijuana despite what, 75% of Democrats supporting legalization? His deficit hawk instincts in particular would be a disaster given a) the scale of unemployment,

Uniting the party is impossible with a nominee like Biden.

Biden and his minders have made it clear they don´t want or need the youth or progressive vote. Let them see if they´re right.

How is it a circular firing squad? Do you not understand that for Bernie supporters, a corrupt, war-mongering rapist is not on our side? Biden is every bit as much our enemy as Trump is.

Ah, so you´re going with the ¨deny reality and then blame the people who warned you when Biden inevitably loses in a landslide¨ strategy. Interesting choice.

If Biden´s the nominee, Trump´s second term is garuanteed. And the sad thing is the DNC knows this, but would rather lose to Trump than see an actual progressive in charge of the party.

This is just dishonest horseshit. Biden and his surrogates (like Symone Sanders) were literally encouraging people to go to the polls even after Italy and Spain were locked down. They were saying that canceling in-person voting was unnecessary and tried to smear Sanders supporters who were saying ¨this is madness!

What exactly about gender norms was he positing that you found so objectionable? Because if you´d actually read the essay, you´d know it´s the kind of essay you´d find at a 3rd year women´s studies writing workship at Vassar circa 1972.

So misogyny is a matter of age and skin color, not actions or beliefs? Because that´s the only way I can figure out how you could compare a life-long supporter of women´s rights to a rapist.

No, mainstream, Dem-friendly media (conservative media outlets have been interested, but Reade refuses to talk with them) are refusing to report the story for the same reason they refused to report on Harvey Weinstein for years: they´re afraid of rich, powerful men, especially rich, powerful men who belong to the ¨side

Betting a rape victim is a lying slut to own the left!

So you think opinions like "believe victims" and "rape is bad" are shitty? I'd hate to hear what you consider a good opinion.

But he won't. That's the point. Putting a senile and confused Biden up against Trump is like getting a drunk fat dude in flip-flops to race Usain Bolt.

No, it shows a complete lack of respect for women and for the seriousness of sexual harassment/assault. The dude gropes prepubescent and teenage girls in public ffs. And the victim’s family and friends corroborate her account and say they heard her talk about back when it happened 30 years ago. The Dems are on track

lol seriously?

Wat kind of a disingenuous asshole thinks rape is comparable to writing an essay about sexism? What is wrong with you?

Or maybe the Dems will come to their senses before nominating a senile rapist to get crushed in a landslide by Trump.

Biden is a known sex pest who has no problem treating women like shit (just ask Anita Hill). I think it's extremely likely the accusations are true.

Wat is wrong with you?

lol what a load of horseshit.