Butter Dish Energy
Butter Dish Energy
My son works 50+ hours a week in a salaried position. His employer does not offer health insurance coverage because it’s cheaper for them to just pay the penalties.
Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your…
Step 1: Get yourself on a sexual predator list.
Good solution, but getting the kid to drink it without the parents noticing is difficult.
But did anyone doubt that Rogan would be a Sanders supporter?
At some point, compromises are going to have to be made, and people are going to have to ask themselves what is more important, getting Trump out of office, or showing off their “wokeness”?
Indeed! If the election of the last two presidents has taught me anything it’s that Americans really respond to “Whoa guys, let’s slow down. You realize we can’t really do all this shit, right? Have you ever heard of slow and steady?” Certainly explains why Klobuchar has so persistently polled in *checks notes*…
If you didn’t happen to catch it, last week’s NYT article by Robert Leonard titled, “I’m a Reporter in Iowa, Here’s What My State is Looking For” contained this gem: “Mr. Biden has a lot to prove here. I’ve attended some of his town halls and rallies, and they’ve been lackluster, his speeches dull and meandering, and…
He’s so fucking problematic and really, really dumb.
How did Bernie’s statement sound like a lie? He’s been telling women for 40 years they can become president. Meanwhile, Warren has been lying about her own ethnicity until last year. Why anyone would give Warren the benefit of the doubt is beyond me.
How does an unequivocal denial constitute being evasive in his response?
“If Obama had a 40+ year career in public service...”
The UN has always defined solitary confinement as torture, and using this language to refer to her imprisonment is therefore exactly consistent with international definitions of torture.
If I was Chelsea Manning, and I was let out of prison, in the political climate of 2017, I would not have had the balls to hang around in any country with an extradition treaty with the US, never mind actually stay stateside. So this sucks, but what a badass.