
So I just wanted to get down my final thoughts on The Defenders:

if they continue the universe, people like you would still bitch and moan about SS and batman v superman...” 

This is true. It’s pretty easy to complain about sh*tty movies— especially sh*tty movies based on characters and properties that I love, which could and should have been done far more justice (no pun intended).

Well, that’s good to know.

Well, that WOULD be true... if I were in any way trying to conform to MLA style guidelines. But I decided a while ago to underline movie titles like you would BOOK titles to create some visual variety in my comments, and to promote clarity— because I have a tendency to italicize for emphasis. A lot.

Was anyone convinced that the show had actually killed off Daredevil? He’s their marquee character, the only costumed superhero in the Netflix library, and they “killed” him in an obvious off-camera feint. He seemed about as “dead” as Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees ever get.

So I spent the last third of the episode

Yep— swiping this gif for sure.

Because the odds of Warner Bros. actually MAKING all of those are incredibly slim; they’re just developing a sh*t-ton of Harley movies to see which one turns out the best— which will be the one they actually spend the money to make, presumably.

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman 2 and Justice League are DEFINITELY happening, so

I hereby submit The Defenders’ use of Foggy Nelson and Karen Page as a prime example of why, in some cases, it’s maybe better NOT to reveal a superhero’s identity to his-or-her loved ones.

Foggy and Karen used to be appealing characters on Daredevil. Foggy was the cheerful comic relief, pretty much the only

I’m finally home and on my laptop, so I can do some formatting now. Unfortunately, the mobile version of Kinja doesn’t have the stupid “Aa” button, so I can’t format on my phone (unless the icon is really, really tiny or something— I looked everywhere for it).

So far, not digging Kinja one bit, but at least with the

I’m on a cell phone. I don’t see an Aa button.

... So Kinja doesn’t support html coding, huh?

Well, I WOULD have been cool with that, if DC hadn’t already placed all their chips on the “cinematic universe” concept after <u>Man of Steel</u>. NOW it just looks like they’re backpedaling to save face after <u>Batman v. Superman</u> and <u>Suicide Squad</u> turned out so awfully... which will not only confuse the

Holy balls, it worked! I’m back!

Today, the AV Club is switching its comments section from Disqus to Kinja— a proprietary comment board system owned by Univision and used on all their other websites. Kinja is a vastly inferior system that doesn't allow for subthreads, won't allow you to delete comments, forces new commenters to go through a

That's kind of what Elektra is like in the comics; she's never been a morally black-and-white character. But she DOES have a history of leading the Hand from time to time— so I was happy to see the show pushing Elektra to usurp control of the clan at the first available opportunity.

They could snap their own necks using their neck muscles! Truly a force to be reckoned with!

I'm gonna say something a bit contentious here: I'm kinda glad they killed Stick off.

Yeah… that's why it took me this long to buy it. The thing's been out for months, but I just got it a couple of weeks ago. The lack of features was a HUGE disappointment to me.

Yeah, I remember thinking "is that the Daredevil theme?" at first— but I've been re-watching season one on Blu-Ray (I'm still a firm believer in physical media), and the theme was fresh in my head, so I knew it wasn't that. Didn't know exactly what it was, though.

Someone posted a link to a Chrome app that can chronologically organize Kinja comments into subthreads. Even though I usually use Firefox, I will attempt to use this to stay on the site, because I really love the A.V. Club, and I'm hoping others do the same.