
You, sir, are an insensitive idiot.

And 200,000 people just let out a collective sigh.

Yep - that's pretty much the first thing I thought when I was reading the liveblog about it. Amazon's taking a page from Google's "do no evil" theme to 'better understand their customers.'

Always fun to read Gizmodo nerds putting down other nerds.

All too easy....

You inspired me to create another graphic!

Was inspired to create this this morning. Should have done it long ago. Enjoy and share.


That may be the case with Apple and Samsung, but how many businesses sue for patent infringement that own patents but don't produce ANY goods or services?

Watch 10 other movies from 1977 or prior and then see how Star Wars compares. The visuals and music were unmatched.

The U.S. should just change the tax code to levy an 80% tax on all proceeds from patent lawsuits. Might solved a lot of problems.

You mean when they copied the Mac OS U/I and turned it upside down? Yeah...that WAS insane.

Gizmodo REALLY needs to get someone to shop at least a little before proclaiming a "deal." The Hoth Wampa set is about $30 at ALL THE TIME.

I see C-130's over Wright-Patterson pretty often. I've been amazed many times watching them as they look like they are just hovering in the air they are going so slow. But I'm sure it's just the angle.

The funny thing about even wanting to know the time is that you typically want it to be precise.

I'm sorry...THAT isn't "Journalism."

Why do I get the feeling this is good for Apple - an inevitably consumers - and whatever they are cooking up?

Well said.

The kind that keeps me with a logical, open mind that doesn't cause me to HATE a COMPANY so much that ANY negative news about them makes me giddy with venom???

I don't know WHY in the world they would specify "iOS" in any way in the patent application anyway. WHO ELSE CAN MAKE AN iOS DEVICE?!?!? How would THAT patent prevent their competition from using their idea?