
First of all, I’ve ALWAYS wondered about this photo as well and found it strange that it was used on so many things and as a reference for so many pieces of artwork. However, I did learn awhile back that they used the same bodies for R2 for other droids and just changed the heads. When someone in another prop group

I'm going to use Sam Biddle's photographs in as many advertising and marketing pieces as I can. Some will be Photoshop'd. Have a good one.

Please do these same tests while driving down a highway with the phones in a window mount with typical road noise in the background both over speakerphone and with Bluetooth if you want to demonstrate real-world use. Having it function as intended in a quiet room is of little use to me.

The jealousy of success and general hatred extolled by some about anything positive Apple achieves is just unbelievable. I think the other comments to this post fill in the holes in your post.

Most Valuable Commenter Award Winner

Probably spot-on on the translation. Well done.

BINGO! It's not YOUR home. It's Flickr's. You're just a guest. You don't like it? You are free to go elsewhere with your photos. Wonderful thing about freedom in our country. Too bad there are some that STILL don't get it. Stop your whining and learn TOLERANCE.

Well said.

I got one of these this morning - and an $8 gift code/card for them cancelling my BF order for an XBox 360 game that was on sale for $8. The problem is, it's not $8 anymore. It's normal price is $30. So, thanks for the $8 - but it doesn't really inspire me to spend another $22 with Best Buy on a game that should have

This IS their best option...but I'm also betting it's stilltoo late. What they have is name recognition. I have a hard time believing Apple (for one) will allow RIM to tap into anything security-wise on an iOS device. So this likely would benefit Android more than anything - and that's only if Google isn't cooking up

And Les Moonves goes down in history as the first network executive to publicly admit that they missed the boat on seeing the future of television. Not surprising really. This same stance worked so well for the big record companies.

Well, you're just wrong. It's copyright infringement. And when they are already being sued over copying industrial design, it's one more thing against them showing they knowingly do it in the same market space without regard to competitors rights.

The argument was NEVER that Apple DOESN'T "Photoshop" - it was that Apple - as far as I am aware - has never taken another companies products or screenshots off of them and used them as if they were their own in their own marketing/advertising materials. Clearly, you've missed the point of why I questioned how you

And me too! That's like calling a Ferrari just "a car."

It IS a big deal - given their currently legal troubles. I would think Samsung would be SCOURING EVERYTHING they have to make sure they have neither purposely nor accidentally infringed on Apple.

Examples of Apple taking someone else's art and using it as their own?

Facepalm. I completely read that wrong.

I'm sure this was mostly about being able to give a big middle finger to the pot-head that owned the Twitter ID.

And you don't think Google is preparing Dart in case they lose their court case with Oracle and can no longer go without licensing Java for every instance of Android?

I think you're right. My bad.