
One photo of MANY that could have EASILY been the simple mistake of a legal secretary.

Tool #1: Joe Biden

Maybe the biggest Apple "GOTCHA!" non-stories thus far.

Hang on... did they actually BUY the division the makes set-top boxes? Or is it just assumed that because they they bought part of Motorola, they'll have free access and a better partner?

In this video, you can clearly see the back wheel kick out to the (camera) left as it comes down each set of steps, forcing the front to kick right. I'd read much about the lack of stability of this thing - so not planning for any variance in it's ability to turn and planning a shot that tight is as much the

Thank you! APPLE DOESN'T HAVE ANY FACTORIES. The title of the article starts out with a lie. But then again, THIS isn't a journalism site with real journalists, is it?


I have LONG said that people should be tested and licensed before they are allowed to use self-checkout lanes, because MOST defeat the purpose of them.

This sounds awfully familiar.... oh, yeah. It's the same thing all the industry experts said about the move from OS9 to OSX.

Now playing

I can't believe Yakov Smirnoff hasn't posted yet.

I was going to I/O tower from TRON


I thought Roger Ebert was a decent movie critic - although I didn't always agree with him. As for his opinions on other topics - like social issues and politics - I can stand to listen to his gibberish. He's an idiot.

Wasn't the Federal Reserve going down last week? Did that happen? Or did I miss it???

Why doesn't HTC just buy RIM, put it out of it's misery, and save us all a lot of trouble? ;)

They survived because the pilots managed to land it wheels down, escaping the aircraft before it burst into flame. It didn't smash into the ground and break in half - that was from the resulting explosion following the emergency landing.

If you are paying $15 (+ shipping I assume) for an 8-pack of AAA batteries... sorry, but you are an idiot.

And here I was certain all these years he was ficticious, and that "Chef Boyardee" originated from kids saying "Boy are dee's good!"

This is the equivalent of getting a quad-core processor to run MS Word.

Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!