
As much as I never cared for or was personally interested in the Zune, what a huge flustercuck to dump that branding! Sure, maybe no one actually BOUGHT Zunes...but I would be most people knew OF them. Their mistake was NOT branding WP7 as "Zune Phone." "Zune" was an atypical MS product name that could have had legs

Just upgrade to two new HD boxes from TimeWarner. Asked for some extra HDMI cables - got 6 HDMI cables ranging up to 12'. Never hurts to ask.

And if better software runs great and consistently on a slower processor because Apple has such a tight grip on the whole user experience, then they have a leg up over a system that may have more power, but little control over the whole user experience.

And when that happens is probably when Apple buys RIM...assuming they haven't developed a competing service on their own by then. ;)

If that's the case, then why not build an Android tablet with a RIM-secured environment as an addition? Because MOST of the the best content available is likely NOT going to be Playbook-native.

As soon as RIM starts picking and choosing WHICH apps it lets run on it's hardware (and you can bet, it will, for 'security' reasons) - it won't matter that it can do this.

Boy, do I never tire of hearing what RIM says about the Playbook. They are VERY, VERY good at SAYING good things about the Playbook. Actually bringing one to market....not so much.

I'm a creative in the business with a very irreverent sense of humor, and even I found them tasteless. But that's just me.

@Bassman22: Seems to be. Haven't tested it in awhile against another thermometer, but my thermostat (same room) says it's 71º and this shows it's 72º. Mine has a temperature range from 68º to 80º in 2º increments.

@brock.overcash: Not sure why no one has promoted your comment - but, here you go.

I've had one in my dining room for 15 years.

@idle19: simmadown now!

Two words: Global. Warming.

You call it PNG now.

It was probably just some asshole...or slut.

If Agent Smith had been done by giant mechanical Elvis-impersonating Oompa-Loompas (remake version) - this is exactly what "The Matrix" would have looked like.