
This is seriously beyond the pale. If they called this "Dressing for the Dumps/Blues" as that would have implied a funk/mood, I would have been ok with that, but jesus, depression isn't something you can snap out of. Next thing I know there's going to be an article on dressing for OCD (make sure every other button is

The picture of the cross-dressing Saints fans at last year's Superbowl accompanying the story is the cherry on a terrific news story sundae . I guess in a story about "Opposite Gender Day" anything will do to inflame the reader.

@pennies.allover: Ha, you can ask. I can tell you though, I was only there for a short time and everything I saw having to do with the elephants was totally kosher. I would have left immediately if I had seen anything that was questionable. I do know that PETA has many issues with them and that they often picket the

I used to work for Ringling Brothers and I don't see learning how to pole dance as any different than learning many of the circus arts (except with the stigma, that is). The aerial silks and aerial rings are similar acrobatic-type sports, requiring grace and extreme upper-body strength. Cirque de Soleil has an act in

Yay, I nominated O-Line! It deserved it alone just for the Rhesus/Reece's line.

@RisaPlata: I used to work at Ringling Brothers in marketing and we could have used your skills.

I can't decide if I want to style Calvin Tran's convertible clothing as a gag or a noose based on his comment.

@StuckOnRepeat: Actually, some women actually fear pregnancy (called tokophobia) and can see the fetus as an alien growth and disease-like. I'm not suggesting that's what Kidman has, but just wanted to put that out there because I don't want women who do have that perception to feel more marginalized than they do.

@RenoMartini: As much as he is an idiot, I don't know if making fun of him for being an addict makes it much better.

Killing and dismembering Ken=good fun.

This sounds to me like a mentally disturbed woman. To have the perception that a 13 month-old is independent and that he wants to be left alone is very troubling and does not point to her having a firm grasp on reality. In addition, thinking that a baby will take her refusing to leave him alone as a "no", and then

@BelleBreezing: I'm guessing it's more like a never(nude).

I guess I am confused why a lot of people are down on the girls dating Heff, saying the are gold diggers and the like, yet everyone seems to be cheering for Holly. She was THAT girl, and were it not for Heff not proposing, or not wanting to have children (whatever story the tabloids were feeding us) she would still be

From the looks on some of the ladies' faces, those bouncy, vibrating machines give more than your thighs a good workout, ifyouknowwhatI'msayin...

Even the Nordic Track seems ancient to me now. My parents used to have one and it was basically loose wooden skis on gliders and two strings with plastic handles attached to pulleys. You have to lean forward against a little leather bolster and try to coordinate keeping the strings taut on each side while not falling

When I was about 8 I YEARNED for the Tinkerbell makeup kit with all the little sparkling shadows. I sadly had to make do with pinching my cheeks and cherry chapstick.

@VirtuousVixen: Yeah, I know. In hindsight that and the "goodies" reference should have tipped me off, but it's Friday afternoon and I am off my game.

Ladies, the simple solution is not to lose weight, but rather just feed your husband more. If it's a simple matter of him having a greater BMI than yours, then a couple of Domino's deliveries a week should put the spark back in your relationship and allow you to hang up that apron and stop slaving in the kitchen.

Jeez, I would have appreciated a NSFW tag due to the hearty bush awaiting me after the jump.