
Huzzah, I nominated QoB! It was the one bright spot in my dreary work-filled morning.

@TheyCallMeSwamper: I think your response is very honest and well-spoken. I think a lot of the reason I bristle at women like this is because these were the type of girls that made fun of me in high school. When I make the statements I said above, I have to say to myself, these aren't those girls. They certainly could

@flaky: Some teas, like Red Raspberry Leaf, promote uterine contractions, which is not good when you are pregnant. However, some women drink them at the end of pregnancy to try to kick the sucker out...

This is quite possibly the most hideous red carpet styling I have ever seen in my entire life. Maybe I don't understand fashion anymore, but then color me old and uncool.

@emma.jayne: I agree that society views many things in certain ways. I guess I just though that Jezzies could look beyond societal constructs. You know, because society has stereotypes we don't agree with about minorities, and gay people, and overweight people, and so on. Just because society has a certain view

@GalaxyGlued: I guess I don't see what we accomplish by drawing conclusions about someone's intelligence and motives based on their appearance. I know plenty of intelligent women who want to look "sexy" and style themselves to accomplish that goal. Yes, these women seem to be trying to accomplish a certain look, but

Really surprised about some of these comments about the blonde hair and breast implants, especially those that insinuate that these women are vapid, stupid, and devoid of personalities.

I am sad to report that I read this article (at the gym, I swear I don't subscribe!) and it was entitled something like, "How to be a Little Bitchy This Holiday Season". One of the other tips was how to steal a parking space other people are waiting for by pulling your car to the middle of the lane, making the car

I have been hearing for a while that a big off-label use is treating overplucked pencil brows to get that oh-so-now full brow look.

I always hear these studies about surfaces being contaminated with fecal bacteria and my first thought is always, if you wash your hands after using the restroom, how the heck are you getting poo on your hands? Are people itching their bare bottoms that much? Is it poo city under everyone's fingernails? Is it just a

"Her exact age isn't verified, but her owner says people "verify seeing her in the fish and chip shop in the early seventies."

From this day forth, the most badass pimple on my face is going to be know as "Commander Whitehead".

@PowerPuffT: I was just going with the fact that Nicki is facing Bill, while the other 2 are facing away from him.

Based on the teaser poster, This season I am putting my money on Nicki staying with Bill and Barb and Margie leaving. It's symbolism, people!

@SarahMC: I totally understand that trying to outlaw selective reduction based on gender could be a gateway to increased restrictions for all women trying to get abortions, and no one wants that.

I am very pro-choice, but I do have a question. There have been some comments made about not agreeing with this woman's choice but still standing behind her right to make a choice. Is being pro-choice a 100% all-or-nothing, any-choice-you-want-to-make, kind of thing? I'm not trying to be flip, I honestly never have

Webcam angles transform the face just as much as makeup. Look up the Magibon meme for a good example of how a downward shot from a webcam can create big "anime" eyes.

@littleada: In the Jewish faith, you circumcise on the eight day, so unfortunately I won't be waiting. Thanks for the good discussion though, it's refreshing here.

@littleada: Agreed on the pain thing. I actually just googled "anesthesia/circumcison" and the AAP acually recommends local anesthesia (numbing creams and such) and I think a lot doctors use it for hospital circumcisions.

@littleada: Good points on the ethics. I guess I beg to differ personally on the first paragraph. I would much rather have my child be circumcized (and, as a Jew, they will be) than ever hit them.