Sounds novel and quirky until you think about the pervs eating this and getting off on it. And then it becomes super icky.
Sounds novel and quirky until you think about the pervs eating this and getting off on it. And then it becomes super icky.
@Gothamite88: Edit: Now confused if it is Fergie or Nicki Minaj.
@I'm Ron Burgundy?: It's Nicki Minaj, actually.
Know what else are killer birds in Australia? Magpies (pies). They are super protective of their nests and will "swoop" people walking in their territory. There have been instances of children being blinded when they pecked their eyes repeatedly and I have heard of an elderly man being chased by one until he died of a…
Totally, I actually have already talked about them on the boards. I have an addiction to my hairdryer. I blow dry myself every night (except when very hot out) and it soothes me before I fall asleep. I don't sleep with it on though and turn it off after about ten minutes. Not so weird in my opinion, and it helps with…
I have two of the strange addictions already profiled on this season, and I don't feel the least bit bad about it. I don't think some of the addictions are so abnormal and most of them are some manifestation of OCD or another associated anxiety disorder.
@GREGORYABUTLER10031: Wait, what?
Actually, my reliable source (Inside Edition) showed a different necklace that was supposedly stolen. I think it's the long one in this picture, and the end has some nugget of stone on the bottom. More substantial but still fug.
Problem with Hunter boots - they get a weird, white waxy film on them after a few weeks of buying them. I actually returned mine because of this. I don't know if the new shiner ones have this issue but it was a turn-off for me.
Oh, I can just see the lecherous thoughts running through his head..
Actually, in my experience, rich women (and men) worry much more about getting money out of their estate to avoid taxes. But I guess that's where the line of affluent and really rich gets drawn.
@1WordUp: Idiot or not, I don't know how much saying someone is "fucking ugly" goes along with the spirit of Jezebel.
Nothing says, "I don't know anything about you as a person" more than stationary or soap as gifts.
@audreytoo: Well, I still pick, but I don't have any scabs and haven't for a while. It really goes in cycles and has everything to do with how stressed I am at the moment. It's really sad, I actually have had strangers stop me on the street and say, "don't pick" and have had people at work comment on my skin. I really…
@RoughHouser: Yup, it's as real as compulsive hair pulling. It goes a long with a lot of anxiety disorders and can be treated the same way anxiety disorders are treated. I have used meds in the past but acupuncture works for me now.
@cand86: Classic! The worst is if you do pick something and a little piece or flake of skin ends up hanging off. Then you have to rip it off, it's a must. Sad but true.
On Dr. Oz they had a whole segment about how the triangle of skin below your nose is known as the "Triangle of Death". Apparently, if you pick an infected pimple there, the bacteria can enter your blood stream and it goes straight to your brain and cause an infection that can kill you.
@roquelaure: I did that this past week because I had it for about 6 months. It was the best. Then I chased my husband around and made him do his.
As part of my OCD, I have a disorder called dermatillomania. It's basically the compulsion to pick my skin. It's pretty under control right now but since I was 14-15 I have always had at least one scab on my face because I could not keep my hands off my pimples, and once I had the scab I always wanted to pick it off…