
I had a similar experience to Sadie. I waited 3+ years to sleep with my first long-term bf...and I married him a few years later (now we are 5+ year into marriage).

I have a couple of the little Revlon lipstain markers and I have a trick. Gently exfoliate your mouth with your toothbrush lightly after brushing your teefs. Apply a thin, not-too-sticky balm to moisturize your lips while you do the rest of your makeup business. Then, wipe off all the balm and draw on the lipstain.

@newyorkmuse: So sexist behavior is generally a woman's fault? That seems a bit backward to begin with. Unless I am not catching intended sarcasm I am hearing you say a man wouldn't think this way unless some "bitch" really did a number on him?

No rose petals at the feet or Wipers (claps hands)? My Coming to America dreams of royal living are being dashed.

I don't get how MTV can enforce standards on shows like the Real World that say, you hit someone and you are off the show, and then turn around and allow multiple instances of abuse to air on Teen Mom. I know some of these shows are produced by different production companies but MTV airs the programs so you think

@bluebears: Emily and Ty on the Real World bordered on it, at least in my opinion. Especially in the latest "Challenge". Yes, I am lame and watch that show.

@PaintedTrollop: Oh, I totally agree with you, personally. However, there are all sorts of woman who love men that are obese, deformed, transgendered...Why can't an aged body just be another shell of a person that a woman chooses to love?

Over Thanksgiving we decided to all go around the table and say what we were thankful for. And we did until my 23 year-old female cousin said nonchalantly, "My vagina". I am thankful for mine as well but we all realized this wasn't going to end well and put a halt to the sharing.

Seriously, how many handbags does one need? I have 4, and I only end up using one because transferring stuff from one to the other is such a pain and I am always forgetting something. I would get that lighted purse organizer thing from HSN (and you just move that from purse to purse), but buying that will just confirm

Is there any chance at all the Crystal really is in love with Heff (and visa versa)? I know the assumption is that she's a golddigger and he's using her for her body, but maybe it's possible they are truly happy? I'm sure the case is more likely the former, but I guess this just had me wondering if a 60 year age

@alcatrazzzed: I upped the buzz all the way and it's still pretty tame. Maybe it just takes a lot for me after my old one. I also don't find the six settings to be that great, and the worst thing is all the buttons are right where your hand goes so you are always accidentally changing the setting in the middle of

Notice her mouth is symbolically closed because princesses don't have a voice! And William's ear is front-and-center because it will be he who will hear the cries of his people. Maybe hinting at the next King of England? Eh, nudge?

@mrs.falbo: Worse still, sweet breads are the thymus or pancreas of a calf or lamb. If they called it "Lamb Pancreas" a whole lot less people would want to eat it.

What the what?

@ms.windupbird: They really aren't all the great. But I am a sucker for a brand. I know, I am a marketer, I admit it. Plus the girls working in the dressing room always want to know my name so they can address me as so. It's like I am buying pants and a hippie friend for the day.

@weetziebat: See directly above, it's on mine!

@leesie: Meh, Ryan Gosling is too baby-faced (see: Leonardo DiCaprio) for the likes of me, but I guess I can see the allure.

@Large_Colonial_Dolls: It's like the most advanced little tank specifically built for freshwater shrimp. See link below. It's also pretty new and I've been checking all the levels and the water looks good. I've been keeping fish since I was little but they always seem to find away out of the tank me. I had a fiddler

@foolish-rain: Oh, that's smart. You mean the screening that window screens are made of? I got the new Fluval Ebi Nano Shrimp tank which has a custom glass top but there is a 1/2 centimeter gap all around the top and they climb the heater cord and jump!