
I miss camps where you learn to canoe and get poison ivy on your nethers when you pick the wrong leaf.

Jewish Santa has already come and I got:

Regarding hobbies or collections-I never tell anyone I have any because once you tell someone you like something you can collect, that's ALL people get for you. Like my sister-in-law went to WVU and all she gets, EVER, is Mountaineer stuff. My husband likes Apple so all people get him are iTunes gift cards.

In our universe: Screwing around with mice DNA=mouse that tweets

I am so obsessed with her. I am typing this on a coffee table with her "Artist is Present" coffee table book under it AS WE SPEAK. I saw her MOMA performance this summer and would have given anything to sit across from her but had to deal with the self-involved jerks who sat there for about half a day (for those who

Ahh, a wry commentary on advertising in magazines. This is like the time I ripped out every single page of advertising in Glamour and ended up with a thin 30 pages of content. Except, you know, I didn't try to sell it as art.

@mattharvest: How does one move a stick in a doll-like fashion? A doll a person uses is meant to mimic a human (or baby human) and is shaped in a certain manner so that, when you orient it a certain way, it looks like you are cuddling it (body to body) or walking it around (head up, feet moving back and forth). Unless

@LimitedLiabilityGirl: I think you are confusing two different posts I have made. My oversexed post is in response to the 12 year-old girl/fashion world. I haven't mentioned "oversexed" here in this context.

@littleada: I think there's a standard amount of sexual curiosity that comes with being 12. The problem in our society is we sexualize young teens so much that they lose that extension of their childhood. I worry about the 12 year-olds who wear clothing that would make a stripper blush, are sexting their friends, and

It a sad society we live in when we praise 12 year-olds for NOT being "oversexed".

@ZoetheBitch: Love the sentiment but some real women look like she does. They are just fewer and farther between, but no less real. We get the "real women have curves" things thrown around a lot here and it bugs because I'm not too curvy. Real women are...real!

This young chimp is:

I wonder if young female chimps spend a disproportionate amount of time around the older females in the group, compared to young male chimps. This could present a larger span of time the young females are exposed to the modeling behavior of older females (such as holding infants).

@yumpopink: Are those leopard spots or ugly mannequin heads in wigs all over that "thing"?

@LaComtesse: I did air quotes in my mind but I should have added. I shudder to think someone might have thought I was for serious.

@LaComtesse: I have to imagine they probably closed the store for her. Because she's a celebrity like that.

And on this holiest of eves, when the world is as silently cold as the ice planet Hoth, I wish you and yours:

@lrobs: When you say hormones, do you mean regular bith control, or do you mean a drug to spur your period? They do different things and have different side effects. If it helpd, when I went on the BCP 9 years ago, I had to go through about 5 kinds to find a good one for me. Different combos of hormones produce

@spinsterish: Ohh, it's more than the beach. These people don't live at the beach all year around. They're in our gyms, or malls, even walking down the street. Just like you and me.

A Facebook friend of mine keeps writing about the exploits of her son and the Elf on the Shelf. Apparently, one night she forgot to move him and the son freaked out and she made up some whole story after the fact the Elf not moving because he was disapponted that the boy hasn't been behaving at dinner. She also