
@TryScience: So no body snark, but mental snark is fine? I’m all for higher education if people are interested, but Kendra seems to be a perfectly successful business woman in her own right without the education. Why should we shame her for her current endeavors? I’ve watched the show a few times recently and she

@they call me ginger: True, but one of the fundamental concepts of marketing is that you're marketing an experience/emotion over a function product. So, McDonald's doesn't advertise "come get your hamburger and fried potatoes". They advertise the experience, the convenience, the way you feel when you chill out there

@they call me ginger: Let's consider the fact that many parents buy video game systems and games marketed to children. There have been studies that playing excess video games contributes to childhood obesity. Sure, some parents let their kids play too long because they suck as parents. But some parents are busy

@they call me ginger: Your argument sounds pious, but it's a thinly veiled argument that lower-income people are not disciplined enough or smart enough to effectively make smart choice for their children, so we need to make choices for them. I would much rather see education efforts than policing big business. I

@they call me ginger: First off, marketing is targeted to the non-purchaser all the time. It's a pretty common practice and it's not illegal. Regarding the bribe argument, the majority of purchases offer some form of marketing "incentive", from a coupon on another purchase, to a free CD, to a sweepstakes offer. How

@they call me ginger: I don't buy your argument that toys in Happy Meals are to blame for parents making poor decisions and giving their kids junk. If they are upset about the lack of healthy options, that is another issue. But blaming a toy on the inability to say no to a screaming kid and provide proper discipline

@ashleenotashley: Wow, way to be insensitive. Calling it "annoying" that couples with fertility problems are frustrated that teens who can't care for their babies keep getting pregnant? And saying that "pregnancy isn't the only way to have children". Sounds a little too cool for school.

@Meerkats: Feel for you. It's compounded by someone upthread saying that "fetus envy" is "annoying" and pregnancy is not the only way to have children. Clearly some people here don't get that when you want children, sometimes pregnancy is the only option you want. It really sucks.

Latch Hook Kits are the ultimate nostalgic gift, and it's only a bonus when the little plastic cylinders of 3" long yarn explode all over the receiver's house.

I tried to give the greatest office gift of all time, the Sea Monkey Executive Set, away at an office white elephant party a few years ago. People kept trading it away (go figure) so I eventually traded back for it.

@LiltingLies: I would try Astroglide but if that bothers you you might want to find a bottle of natural, preservative-free, scent free lube. I find pre-seed in a tube to ber very gentle and it's approved for trying to get pregnant as well (although great for everyone who wants a gentle lube). It's not nearly as

Note for anyone trying to get pregnant: Don't use lube!!! Most of it will kill sperm! A lot of people don't know this and I thought I'd put that out there.

Theory! I think it spells "Luce" ("V" often represented "U" at that time). Luce means light or brightness in Italian. I wonder if you shined light through the work at a particular angle if it would reveal anything hidden?

Here's my guess. I am proposing the letters are "L", "U", "C", and "E". Even though a "V" is actually written, around the time the Mona Lisa was painted the "v" sometimes represented the "u", from what I understand (wikipedia "V"). "LUCE" could refer to Clous Luce, a mansion in France that DaVinci spent the last 3

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: Agreed but here's the issue: When you make death the same penalty for both molesting and killing, you remove a bit of the barrier that prevents someone like this from going all the way and killing his victim. I agree they deserve to die, but this is the only reason I would never advocate the

@colorisnteverything: Hmmmm, you're an athlete and you eat restrictively? Have you ever heard of hypothalamic amenorrhea? Some people think it's just related to eating disorders but it also affects athletes (both the professional and unprofessional). It's partly why I am having some issues with hormones. You just

@colorisnteverything: I just wanted to say good luck, and don't hesitate to get to a GYN as soon as you feel ready to get testing/treatment done. I did after only 5 months trying and now am getting tests done at a specialist, only because I know things aren't quite normal.

@colorisnteverything: I feel for you. I also am in fertility treatments now, so I am not discounting the issues endo raises for women. I guess I sort of saw that Jillian brought it up as an afterthought. She initially said that she didn't want to become pregnant because of she didn't want to subject her body to it.