If you and I were sitting in armchairs over a game of chess and this were purely rhetorical, I'd say you are spot-on.
If you and I were sitting in armchairs over a game of chess and this were purely rhetorical, I'd say you are spot-on.
"I want the society of Tomorrow to be one in which we have lots of people who aren't afraid to challenge authority when they realize something's amiss with the rules before them."
That's a fair point. On the other hand, you remember what it was like to be a boy. Personally, I cringe at the thought of how I viewed girls when I was a wee lad, and if I have a daughter (the wife and I are expecting), I'll cringe even more at the stupid thoughts I know are going through some boys' heads and how…
it's not that black and white. What if tomorrow I decide wearing pants is unfair. Would you applaud me for that?
Fair enough.
On THAT point, you and I absolutely agree. Easier is not always right. But it is easier. And in absence of key changes that will make your daughter safer, will you choose right over safe?
No no. I'm saying that the way to challenge a rule you don't like isn't to flout it and then complain when you face the consequences.
Then why not just call it a gender-biased culture? Why not just say puritanical, or sexist? I don't have a problem behind the idea of your term, I just don't think using the word 'rape' in that way lends itself to promoting meaningful dialog on the subject. I'm not suggesting euphemisms, I am suggesting looking at the…
I never challenged your intelligence or ability to think critically. I challenged your objectivity and fairness.
"I can see how you might see that as a contradiction according to your worldview."
I am not. I openly and initially said the school handled it poorly. But that doesn't mean I disagree with the need for the dress code. As long as it is applied to all. I also said it is easier to apply to boys than girls. Boys don't typically wear skirts (I mean, sometimes when the weather is nice, but still). Boys…
Can we not with the 'rape culture'? If you want to say that crime is a problem, that society has been unfairly tipped in favor of men for too long, that's fine. But calling it a 'rape culture' is just flat-out wrong. Why not call it a culture that glorifies violent crime? That's more accurate. No, as a man I'm…
I... don't agree.
CNN is just as bad. Oh ye gods, what I wouldn't give for some old-school news reporting instead of even what they present. No, I never said CNN was any kind of a paragon of anything, least of all balanced or objective reporting.
No, I don't. Overall, I agree with you.
"Your assumption that we can't step outside this one location and listen to other voices is arrogant."
That's the second reference to how I must be a blast at parties. Is there a party metric I can reference? :-)
Did you go to this girl's school, or do you otherwise have a copy of their manual handy where you can point out their exact language? Because unless you do, your point isn't really relevant.
Well, when you spend all that time on the ground looking at the trees, you're bound to get lost.
I have come to a place where 100 people say I have a problem with my perception, until I step out of that group into a much larger one that say I'm fine. We can do this in circles. If you don't agree, you don't and that's fine. But I stand by my metaphor.