
Things I used personally then, versus now?

The biggest lie I have ever told? Too many to choose from at this point in my life. But this one always stands out because now that I am not a naive and angry jerk in my 20's, I actually feel really bad when I remember it:

"... employers failing to take the safety of its female employees seriously."

I think it goes beyond sequels diluting the franchise or magnifying flaws. Although those are good reasons and probably a solid part of it.

Despite all their training, they ran.

In the distance, the sky burned.

The red light continued blinking, forever.

And here I thought Kanye West was a "genius lyrical wordsmith".

Oh god this is awful. It isn't the fact that it's a restomod. No, I could personally forgive that (although destroying this classic is sacrilege).

1/4 Filipino. Maternal grandmother. And why do I know that. Damn you 90's.

"if the goal is preserving the media I thought we were assuming there would be someone (a person or a machine) actively working to preserve the media."

I'm not going into a protracted debate on how bit rot works. I've been doing this for almost 20 years, so I'll go with a brief explanation, and hopefully you can take my word for it:

It's interesting how, historically, a well-known (and trademarked) brand name can supplant the more generic term.

Ah, you make a valid point. However (and there is always a 'however'), film isn't an unpopular hobby. I mean, half a billion feet of film might be a fraction of what Kodak once produced, but it's still no small amount of stock.

I'm sorry, I disagree. On multiple levels.

Ah, but say you have 1000 artists who paint in oil, and thanks to the advent of some other paint, that number decreases to 50.

You have apparently never heard of "bit rot". But setting aside the robustness of various filesystems, I tend to agree only because film turns to mush after less than a hundred years. There are film vaults in California where the majority of the stock just disintegrated. Decades of movies, lost forever.

To point #1, would you also say that if fewer artists painted in oils, and so the oil paint manufacturers were going out of business? Or would you see value in keeping one provider of a specific artistic medium alive and well?

Then why paint? Why play a guitar? You can recreate the visuals and sounds with less effort and far less likelihood of error.