
Until Fit and Fitbit play nicely together I don’t care.

This is the same garbage advice people who had the luck and talent to become “famous” have been spewing for years.

This is a pretty picture but not sufficient, particularly when there are plenty of toxic/poisonous plants that can look largely the same to those unfamiliar. There are literally thousands of plants that look nearly identical to most of the bottom half of that graphic. Get a plant key and take an hour to learn how to

Like the other poster, I think you’re wrong. I don’t mind Amazon’s “ecosystem” since it’s nice to be able to send long internet articles with one button in chrome, but if you want to cut Amazon out just turn wifi off and use only Calibre. There’s no way they could even connect to your kindle (as you’ve pointed out

How is this a lifehack? Seriously, this site used to have neat Macguyver ideas. Now you’re just linking to a pretentious food snob blog complaining about “wonky” avocado slices and a dirty spoon. I’ve been reading this site for at least 4 years but I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to waste my time.

You should do one of these articles for how to buy and sell on craigslist. So many people that respond have single word emails like “available?” If you’re going to buy or sell something add all of the info to a single email “hello, I’d like to pick this up later today or tomorrow morning. I am offering $35 cash. I’d

How to survive a hangover, how to stock a bar, and how to make your own doritos. Either this site is going downhill or I’m getting older. My guess is a little of both.

Bring out the pitchforks; the keyboard libertarians are going to completely lose their shit. Again.

This is the cost of one of those miserable cookie cutter weddings. A truly memorable wedding can (and should) cost far less. Mine cost a grand total of about $4000, most of which was airfare and lodging. We didn’t hire a ton of strangers and didn’t bore anyone with long ceremonies or a DJ (does anyone actually like

Great. My rate is $350/hr. I’ll send you an engagement letter. Discussions involving self-worth and believing in yourself are not included.

As an attorney I can say this is terrible advice for 99.9% of people, so hire me to write this “agreement” and practice it with you.

For the life of me I can’t understand the purpose of these “what’s in my bag” articles. It’s not about new tech; it’s not about fashion (or is it?); it’s not about how people actually DO things. Clearly I’m the one in the dark as plenty of people like these articles—I’m not saying these articles have no value—but can

Since you’re not including prep time, normal cookies only take 10 minutes to bake. I don’t see how that’s relevant as the title of an article though. Clickbait recipes are the worst.