I swear I’m nice

What I don’t get, and I’m sure it’s all BS, is all the celeb friends tweeting or IGing,  “we’re so glad they’re back together, we were hoping this would happen”.

Yeah, I figured this tailors to small local places more than say, like, random mid-size clothing chain.

Yeah.  Call me “old-fashioned”  (or better yet, make me one please!), but I can’t see this really taking off without alcohol being involved in some way, shape or form.

See, THIS I think can work. Not to be that guy, but “definitely amongst the ladies”. Most guys are not used to thinking of shopping as an “experience”, it’s a “chore” that needs to be put off for as long as possible, then checked off with as little time investment as possible.

Congratulations!  You just reinvented the Department Store! When the large department stores originally started in the early 19th Century, they were intended as a safe place where women could spend the entire day, shopping, eating and eventually getting their hair done and having spa treatments all in one location. 

It’s definitely more suited to more boutique businesses with this in mind. The bike shop my husband used to work at was designed with this in mind and had a seating area with a cooler full of beer and hosted Friday night socials. We have a local plant shop here that also hosts regular themed socials and they’re doing

Was this in Minneapolis? I’m dying to know what store it was-Len Druskin?Upscale retail really struggles here.

It works very, very well in certain instances. I had a client a few years ago in the high-end clothing sector that modeled its business around this very idea. The associates functioned a bit like personal shoppers and were encouraged to befriend customers.  Lots and lots of complimentary wine was/is involved.  The

This is Dunder Mifflin Infinity... and the same kind of bullshit marketing-speak I used to hear before I got shit-canned from my old advertising gig for calling out their bullshit marketing-speak.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Our pronouns are not preferred. They are mandatory. Calling them preferred sounds like you are giving them as an option but they aren’t.

Ender’s Game is a mediocre book and Orson Scott Card is a crappy human being. There. I said it.

Congratulations! It sound like things are going well.

Happy birthday! Hang in there hon. You’re under a lot of stress, so cut yourself some slack. Anyone would get depressed in a situation where their housing and finances were up in the air.

Hey Jezzies, how are ya?

I see greyed replies to my posts when I check my notifications. 

If there is a way, it’s now so complicated as to be useless. I’ve given up on trying to reply to greys. So apologies to anyone I haven’t responded to.


Two years with someone else's heart ticking away inside me.

Congratulations on the transplant-aversary!

It’s my transplant-aversary tomorrow.