
Late commenting, but I honestly thought this was much, much better than Subway. Le dernier combat left me actually caring for the characters, and Subway felt random for the sake of being rebellious. Felt unsatisfying. That being said, I enjoyed parts of Subway (chase scenes, the ending, band scenes).

Was the score to The Grand Budapest Hotel nominated?

I felt like TD had more consistency because, to be honest, the first couple episodes of Fargo were awkward and the finale was lackluster. I can't think of any particularly weak episodes of TD (not that I don't think some were better than others). Not too bothered by Fargo getting the award though.

Why does everyone complain about this show? I haven't really sat down and watched it, but I watched some random scene on YouTube, and I felt like it had of solid acting and a sense of realism to the conversations.

Huh. No idea he abandoned this. I thought this was a new film and his next project until now. Will have to check it out.

Well, it has a competent director, a great cast, and a good screenwriter. Lucas is only there as a consultant.

I'm genuinely looking forward to this next one. The Last Airbender is unusually bad for Shyamalan. If he hadn't made that, there wouldn't be near as much internet rage over him. Upsetting fans of a franchise is the worst thing you can do as a filmmaker.

The Village isn't even bad.

I'm surprised that many people in the general audience knew who Shyamalan was.

Signs is one of my favorite movies. I felt the performances worked for the world he made. I kind of feel the same about the Happening. I actually enjoyed it a lot until the part where they get out of their cars. The ending was good, I thought. Overall, I didn't think it was a horrible movie.

I felt it was interesting seeing a movie that failed at every level. Made me appreciate really well made movies.

Yeah. Not worth watching. I only saw it to say I watched every Shyamalan film.

True, but there has to be a better potential movie out there that she could get about the same pay for. I'd like to think there is, at least.

It didn't feel amateurish to me.

Hadn't seen the trailer to Last Man on Earth until now. Really excited, actually, but Mad Men's finale is probably my most anticipated thing of this year.

She's pretty much the only thing this movie has going for it. I'm guessing she'll be good and the movie will be mediocre (based on who's writing/directing it). Overall, it's a waste of her time.

Well, it was available 'outside of a festival circuit' in Poland in 2013. Seems a bit silly (at least to me) to ignore that it released in it's own country last year. Anyway, I prefer to just add it to my 2013 list since putting it on a 2014 list makes me feel like I'm saying a film isn't released until it reaches the

I actually thought the classroom part in Snowpiercer was the worst.

Yeah, and a television/monitor with 3D capability. I'd also say surround sound is important to Goodbye to Language (not quite as much as 3D).

I thought The Lego Movie and DotPotA were both good movies, but they weren't that great to me; however, The Immigrant is one of my favorites. Very pretty indeed, but I don't know if I'd say it was predictable. I felt how personal it was to James Gray, and I loved the set design and characters. The final shot is one of