
It was considered quite likely to win.

Thought they were both about as great, but I felt stronger emotions with Spotlight.

I thought World of Tomorrow would get snubbed, but I'd never heard of the film that did win.

Sure, if they had a category for Best Marvel Studios Film, it might have won something.

I'd never heard of him. Is his theater work more well known? (Know next to nothing about theater.)

I assure you; there are no bad scenes in Barton Fink.


I hate that these lists that Netflix releases are never anywhere near complete.

I'll agree to disagree.

> but it really limped to the finish line.

High-Rise sounds like a movie where people spout lines of intellectual stuff where I tune out because i have no idea what's going on. Although, I did really enjoy Adieu au Languageā€¦

I think it's because his scripts tend to be mostly dialogue, sans a lot of the direction, not to mention his direction of actors.

This is a good list. I added a few of them to my list: James White, Brooklyn, Secret in Their Eyes (will probably check out the original first), and I Saw the Light.

You never know. I may be one of five people that liked After Earth. I get the criticisms, but most things people have an issue with in that movie don't bother me much. The Happening is just too fucking weird. Even when it gets bad, it's good-bad.

Lady in the Water could have been a decent movie if you just got rid of the movie critic part and M. Night being Jesus. It's just so bizarre and unique.

People having different beliefs doesn't make me ill or angry. I'd be furious all the time or projectile vomiting, even.

Does it even matter if it's not adjusted for inflation? It just becomes a marketing gimmick. I'm not as big about box office as most, but it's just silly touting statistics like this. I'm guessing the writer of this article was being a bit ironic saying it, but still.

Oh okay. Wasn't quite clear about what you were saying. I still think he's a pretty bad choice.

I'd rather have the Russo Brothers direct. (It's not that I'm a huge fan of The Winter Soldier, but at least it was above-average for a blockbuster.)

No. Not at all what you said.