
This is one of the first Donks to hit the streets. Bully, yo!

Here in Argentina the transmissions are ALL manuals. And I mean that. Even the 2-story long-haul buses have manuals. A friend of my father-in-law had the opposite happen to him: thieves tried to steal his automatic Toyota Hilux. They couldn't figure it out immediately and within the next 30 seconds got increasingly

Good article. The feature I'd most like to see is some kind of rapid-snap that takes 2-X photos in quick succession. This is really handy if you have kids. I'm kind of surprised Google hasn't added this yet.

I have nothing against electric bikes. But I would not describe this particular bike as "badass," a term I personally reserve for a vehicle with beefier lines and a throaty growl. Sure, this e-bike is painted black but it ain't stirrin' anything in my testicles. And testicle stirrin' is the very definition of

Dude, where have you been for the past 30+ years. That's the way America has been functioning since the 80s.

Who's the snarky cynic (not a compliment) narrating this "review"?

Bieber's true offense against humanity is Aggravated Douchbaggery. Charge him with THAT instead.

This headline is total Jezebel bait.

Class warfare much? "Because that's what assholes do when a woman voices an opinion they don't agree with, obviously."

Keep tokin' & strokin', then, PhillyCannabis. :)

The guy at 1:25 knows how to time a car theft!

They're Canadian; of course their delivery is awkward and stiff. Did you expect them to have rhythm and soul?

2CVs look like WWI biplanes to me. And they're very common here in Argentina. People keep their cars running waaaaay past what the rest of the world considers the limits of safety. I've seen 2CVs with wobbling, out-of-true wheels and flapping body panels chugging down the road...towing other vehicles with a rope!

I think the REAL social issue we should all rally behind here is that there is a terrible lack of adequate toilet facilities for men in Silicon Valley.

I don't agree that it's acceptable to tell someone to fix their own problems first before they're allowed to comment on problems elsewhere. People often end up using that excuse as a way to shut up debate or even legitimate criticism. Just because problems exist in Western culture doesn't mean we should self-censor

First off I'll accept your point that there is probably a lot about the reality of how the bride price is practiced today in your culture that I don't know about. Touche. But I think you must have missed my immediate followup comment after discovering that apparently the BridePrice app is an inside joke among

To properly craft a low brow stereotype of Conservatives, wouldn't one claim that they are AGAINST Iran's new policy because it will obviously create more evil muzlims?

I'll agree that American popular culture has given romance a gutter-level makeover. (Keep in mind, however, that the vast majority of us, while not perfect, are largely mature when looking for a mate.)

I've since read the other comments and I see how, apparently, this app is somewhat of an inside joke among Nigerians. OK, fine: I'm a humorless scold. But I think my point about the author's first reaction still stands.

The author says: I hesitate to state my own opinion on the BridePrice app, mostly because my point of view is so very western.