
No. You see, you cannot be rational and offer a proper explanation why he couldn’t take the pig with him, we must unconditionally hate Logan Paul even for stuff that isn’t his fault.

PS. It’s perfect acceptable to hate Logan Paul for being a jerkass in other situations, like the Suicide Forest thing or all his

This isn’t even a story nor does it reflect badly on Paul, who is a dipshit.  He rehomed it properly to the horse ranch.  It was the OWNERS of the horse ranch that abandoned the pig.  Paul had nothing to do with the animal after dropping it off at the first ranch.

“Bad person does innocuous thing but it counts as news because people are tweeting about it” is like half the articles on the internet now.

So did he re-home the pig or abandon it? Otherwise this a story about some un-named ass abandoning an animal. Shame on him for getting it for clout and giving it up, but normal people get pets they aren’t prepared for all the time

Only if it also involved the words “fucking dragon”.

It kinda just seems like most major Japan-based game companies actively hate their fanbases, but that seems unlikely. What is more likely is that Japanese intellectual property law is so absolutely turbo-fucked that anyone engaging with the IP outside of approved, carefully manicured channels is perceived as a threat.

My assumption is that it largely stems from Nintendo being a massive company with many heads that don’t always communicate 100%. The legal team doesn’t see “historical documentary about media that was never to see the lights of day”, they see “youtube video talks about product”. I highly doubt that Big N’s legal

I imagine the airline will bill the estate for a full engine rebuild. 

Didyouknowgaming does what Nintendon`t.

My knee jerk reaction was F off. But less donkey-anuses in online gaming would be great. Imagine a game where you could see someone get banned in real time right after spouting hate, instead of waiting a day or more.

Dear Congress People,

Komai Laserscope anyone? FIRE FIRE FIRE

10 of the worst article types ever made:

And i thought I was awesome for being a librarian and helping kids grow a lifelong love of learning.

Thirsty people trapped in a thirst trap.

Imagine looking at the state of the world in 2022 and deciding the best thing you can do with your money at Christmas is to... give it to a multi-millionire.


Yeah, but you know who isn’t going to refer to what you did if you sent that 70k to something like a DV shelter? Twitch Streamer Amouranth.

She’s still not gonna sleep with you, dude

Personally, I’m happy when domestic violence victims are given money and resources to ensure a full and satisfying life away from their abuser, and I’m glad someone was able to do that for Siragusa. Even though Siragusa is already, by her own admission, making millions a year